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dc.contributor.advisorKalniņš, Mārtiņš
dc.contributor.authorPoppela, Diāna
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Bioloģijas fakultāte
dc.description.abstractBakalaura darba “Airvaboles Cybister lateralimarginalis De Geer, 1774 sastopamība mikrobiotopos Līņezerā, izmantojot 5 l pudeļu lamatas” izstrāde un materiālu ievākšana notika Garkalnes novada Līņezerā. Materiāls vākts no 2016. gada 5. augusta līdz 2016. gada 1. septembrim. Airvaboles C. lateralimarginalis ķeršanai izmantotas pudeļlamatas, kurās atradās ēsma – vistas gaļa. Lamatu saturs fiksēts 30% etilenglikolā. Ievāktā materiāla analīze notika stacionāri. Pavisam tika ievākti 84 paraugi (72 paraugi vaboļu ķeršanas vietās un 12 paraugi vaboļu iezīmēšanas / atlaišanas vietās). Analizējot paraugu sastāvu, tika konstatēti trīs dažādi zoobentosa taksoni un divas zivju sugas (karūsa un līdaka). Kopumā visa eksperimenta laikā noķertas 152 pētāmās vaboles - 139 vaboles ķeramajās lamatās un 13 vaboles iezīmēšanas / atlaišanas vietās - eksperimenta lamatās. No visiem noķertajiem C. lateralimarginalis īpatņiem 64 bija tēviņi un 88 mātītes. Mikrobiotopi lamatu izvietojuma vietās savā starpā bija atšķirīgi. Katram parauglaukumam tika piešķirts mikrobiotopa nosaukums, balstoties uz parauglaukumā dominējošo augu sugu. Purva cūkausis tika konstatēts gandrīz visos parauglaukumos. Lamatu izvietojuma vietās bieži sastopams arī trejlapu puplaksis. Atsevišķās vietās lamatu izvietošana bija apgrūtinoša, jo nebija saauguši purva cūkauši, trejlapu puplakši un šaurlapu vilkvālītes, kas veido stingru un stabilu pamatu. Autore noteica, ka grupa - brīvi peldošie augi, ietekmē vaboļu skaitu parauglaukumā. Palielinoties brīvi peldošo augu daudzumam, pieaug vaboļu skaits lamatās. Novērots, ka arī veģetācijas blīvums ietekmē vaboļu skaitu. Pieaugot augu blīvumam, palielinās noķerto indivīdu skaits. Eksperimentā ar ēsmas saošanas attālumu, novērota tendence, ka palielinoties lamatas attālumam no vaboles izlaišanas vietas, samazinās noķerto marķēto vaboļu daudzums. Iespējams, ka vabole spēj saost ēsmu lamatā līdz 5 m attālumam.
dc.description.abstractThesis “Diving beetle Cybister lateralimarginalis De Geer, 1774 distribution in microhabitats in Līņezers lake using 5 l bottle-traps” design and material collection took place in district Garkalne - Lake Līņezers. Data gathered in August 2017. and in September 2017. Bottle-trap with chicken meat bait inside have been used for capturing diving beetle C. lateralimarginalis. Trap content fixed in 30% ethylene glycol. Analysis of the collected material occurred stationary. Overall, 84 samples were collected (72 samples in beetle gathering places and 12 samples in beetle remark/ release places). In analysis of sample content, three different zoobenthos taxa and two fish species were distinguished. During the experiment, there were captured 152 researched beetles (139 individuals in beetle gathering places and 13 individuals in beetle remark / release places – experimental traps). From all captured C. lateralimarginalis individs 64 were males and 88 were females. Microhabitats in trap placement places were different between each other. Each plot has been assigned with type of microbiotope based on dominant plant species. Bog aurum were present in almost every plot. In trap placement places, there were often found also bogbean. In some plots trap placement was difficult because there were no bog aurum, bogbean and lesser bulrush which forms firm and stable grounds under foot. The author concluded that the group - free floating plants, affected the number of caught beetles in the plot. With the increase of freely floating plant quantity also increased the number of beetle in traps. It is observed that the vegetation density also affects the number of beetles in traps. With increasing of plant density increases the number of individuals caught. During the experiment of bait-smelling distance observation was made that there were a tendency – with increase of trap and beetle release place distances decreases the amount of caught marked beetles. It is possible that the beetle is able to smell the bait in trap up to 5 m distance.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectCybister lateralimarginalis
dc.titleAirvaboles Cybister lateralimarginalis De Geer, 1774 sastopamība mikrobiotopos Līņezerā, izmantojot 5 L pudeļu lamatas
dc.title.alternativeDiving beetle Cybister lateralimarginalis De Geer, 1774 distribution in various microhabitats in Līņezers using 5 L bottle-traps

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