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dc.contributor.advisorGorbāns, Imants
dc.contributor.authorPaulovskis, Egīls
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Datorikas fakultāte
dc.description.abstractKvalifikācijas darba mērķis ir izveidot Android lietotni ar nosaukumu “Friendly Payments”. Autors uzskata, ka ar tās palīdzību lietotājs varētu labāk pārskatīt savu finansiālo līdzekļu lietošanas paradumus un veidot pirkumu atskaites CSV formātā, kā arī dalīties ar attiecīgo pirkumu informāciju, to izvadot, kā teksta ziņu. Lietotnē iespējams veidot pirkumus, kur katrs pirkums sastāv no apraksta un precēm, kuras jāizveido lietotājam, kā arī kontaktiem, kurus iespējams pievienot, ja tas bijis kopīgs pirkums. Pēc pirkuma izveides, lietotājs to var apskatīt un labot pēc paša ieskatiem, mainot tā aprakstu, vai pievinojot, labojot vai dzēšot tajā esošās preces un vai kontaktus. Lietotājs var arī pirkuma informāciju aplūkot soli dziļāk, apskatot tā priekšskatu, kas parādās teksta veidā un ir nokopējams un vai nosūtāms izmantojot ierīcē esošās lietotnes, kā arī eksportējams CSV formātā. Lietotnes dati tiek uzglabāti lokāli, lietotāja ierīcē, SQLite datubāzē. Lietotne izstrādāta ar Android Studio palīdzību, produkta izstrādē izmantotas programmēšanas valodas Java un XML.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this qualification work is to create an Android application called “Friendly Payments”. According to the author, this would help the user to better review their use of financial resources and to create purchase reports in CSV format, as well as to share information about the purchase in question, as a text message. In the app, you can create purchases, where each purchase consists of a description and the items to be created by the user, as well as contacts that the user can add in case of a joint purchase. After creating a purchase, the user can view and edit it at his own discretion by changing its description, or by adding, editing or deleting the items and contacts in it. The user can also view the information of the purchase a step further by looking at its preview, which appears in plain text and is copyable and can be transmitted using the applications that are already available in the device, the purchase can be exported in CSV format as well. The data of the application is stored locally, on the user device, in a SQLite database. The application is designed with Android Studio, and the programming languages used were Java and XML.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectAndroid Studio
dc.titleAndroid lietotne - Draudzīgie maksājumi
dc.title.alternativeAndroid applications - Friendly payments

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