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dc.contributor.advisorČehlova, Zojaen_US
dc.contributor.authorMeļņika, Ludmilaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMagistra darba veikta pamatskolas skolenu pasvertejuma attistibas izpete, merkis ir: kontroles un paskontroles attistosas iespejas ka pasvertesanas attistibas noteikums, un izpetes rezultata izstradati prieksnoteikumi merka sasniegsanai. Darba teoretiskaja dala skaidroti psihologu viedokli par pasvertejumu ka cilveka ES-koncepcijas komponentu un ta nozimi personibas attistiba. Darba apkopotas psihologu un pedagogu atzinas par pasvertejuma veidosanas un attistibas prieksnoteikumiem, adekvata pasvertejuma saikni ar cilveka aktivitati, par savam spejam atbilstosu merku izvirzisanu un istenosanu; darbs sniedz parskatu par pasvertejuma specifiskajam iezimem, ta saistibu ar skolenu vecumposma attistibas ipatnibam un pasvertejuma limeni raksturojosam attieksmem un vajadzibam. Magistra darba apkopotas pedagogu atzinas par zinasanu kontroli macibu procesa, tas funkcijam un principiem; par to, ka zinasanu un prasmju kontroles galvenais merkis ir noskaidrot skolenu sekmes un sasniegumus, paradit zinasanu un prasmju pilnveidosanas un padzilinasanas celus, radit labveligus apstaklus, lai skoleni aktivi iesaistitos radosa darbiba. Merkis, ir saistits ar: •skolenu apguto zinasanu kvalitati – zinasanu, prasmju un iemanu limeni, kuru nosaka macibu prieksmeta programma; •skolenu iepazistinasanu ar pasvertejuma panemieniem, ta nepieciesamibu; •tadu rakstura ipasibu ka atbildiba par izpildito darbu un iniciativa audzinasana. Literatura iepazitas psihologu un pedagogu atzinas par skolas iespejam skolenu adekvata pasvertejuma, pozitivas attieksmes pret sevi veidosana un skolotaja kontroli ka parbaudes metodi macibu procesa tika izmantotas prakse un pedagogiskaja izmeginajumdarbiba, kuras merkis noteikt izmainas skolenu pasvertejuma atbilstiba skolenu patiesajam zinasanu un prasmju limenim, attieksme pret macibu darbu. Analizejot un izprotot kontroles un paskontroles attistosas iespejas, ka pedagogiskas izmeginajumdarbibas laika radas prieksnoteikumi pamatskolas skolotaju merktiecigai turpmakai sadarbibai skolenu pasvertejuma veidosana.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe research paper investigates the problem of secondary school students’ self-evaluation with the aim to study the ways of control and self-control which pre-condition the development of self-evaluation. The theoretical part of the paper explains the views of psychologists on self-evaluation as a human EU-concept component and its role in personality development. The work summarizes psychological and pedagogic ideas on the formation of self-evaluation, the link between adequate self-evaluation and human activity, on the ability to set and achieve attainable realistic aims. The research offers a review of some specific features of self-evaluation and its connection with the students’ age group peculiarities as well as self-evaluation attitudes and needs. The Master’s paper contains pedagogic thought on the ways of assessing knowledge and skills, their functions and principles; also the idea that the main aim of knowledge and skills control is to reveal the students’ achievements levels, show the development of knowledge and skills, and establish favorable conditions for involving students into creative activities. The aim of the work is closely linked to: •The level of students’ knowledge and skills – the quality of knowledge as determined by the programmer; •Teaching students self-assessment stressing its necessity; •Raising students’ responsibility and initiative. The psychological and pedagogic ideas on the ways of developing adequate self-evaluation at school, the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself, and teachers’ control in the teaching-learning process were used in practice and pedagogical experiment with the aim to determine the changes in the students’ self-assessment according to the students’ real knowledge and skills development level, and their attitude towards learning. The analysis of control and self-control possibilities in the course of experiments creates the conditions for the purposeful teacher-student cooperation in developing self-evaluation.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleKontrole ģeogrāfijas stundās, kā līdzeklis pusaudžu pašvērtējuma attīstībaien_US
dc.title.alternativeControlling as a means of developing adolescents' self-assessment at Geography studiesen_US

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