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dc.contributor.advisorActiņš, Andrisen_US
dc.contributor.authorBērziņš, Agrisen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Ķīmijas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDarba literatūras daļā ir dota informācija par ksilazīna hidrogēnhlorīdu, polimorfismu, pulvera rentgendifraktometriju un citām polimorfu pētīšanas metodēm, kvantitatīvo fāžu analīzi ar pulvera rentgendifraktometriju, cieto fāžu kinētiku, hidrāta – bezūdens formas stabilitātes noteikšanu un informācija par difraktogrammu indeksēšanu. Darbā noteikts, ka ksilazīna hidrogēnhlorīds eksistē kā četras nesolvatētās formas, divi hidrāti un pieci solvāti. Ir noteikts katras fāzes sastāvs un stabilitāte. Ir noteikti līdzsvara apstākļi starp hidrātu H un X formu 5 o līdz 55 oC temperatūrā. Noteikta X formas hidratācijas entalpija. Ir veikta A, H, X, Z, Y un M formu rentgendifraktogrammu indeksēšana ar dažādām datorprogrammām, iegūtie rezultāti salīdzināti un atbilstošākie režģa parametri optimizēti ar Topas.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe theoretical part contains information about xylazine hydrochloride, polymorphism, powder x-ray diffraction and other methods of investigation of polymorphs, quantitative phase analysis with powder x-ray diffraction, solid state kinetics, hydrate – anhydrous form stability determination and information of indexation of diffraction patterns. It was determined that xylazine hydrochloride exists in the form of four nonsolvated forms, two hydrates and five solvates. Phase composition and stability of each form were determined. Phase boundary between hydrate H and X form was determined at 5 to 55 oC temperature. Hydration enthalpy of X was determined. Indexation of diffraction patterns of xylazine hydrochloride forms A, H, X, Z, Y and M were done by various indexation programs, results were compared and lattice parameters optimized in Topas. It was determined that xylazine hydrochloride exists in the form of four nonsolvated forms, two hydrates and five solvates. Phase composition and stability of each form were determined. Phase boundary between hydrate H and X form was determined at 5 to 55 oC temperature. Hydration enthalpy of X was determined. Indexation of diffraction patterns of xylazine hydrochloride forms A, H, X, Z, Y and M were done by various indexation programs, results were compared and lattice parameters optimized in Topas.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleKsilazīna hidrogēnhlorīda kristāliskās formas un līdzsvars starp hidrātu un bezūdens formuen_US
dc.title.alternativeCrystalline forms of xylazine hydrochloride and equilibrium between hydrate and anhydrous formen_US

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