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dc.contributor.advisorEkmanis, Indra
dc.contributor.authorKursiša, Eleonora
dc.contributor.otherRiga Graduate School of Lawen
dc.description.abstractRefugee crisis was a big challenge for the European Union asylum system, with millions of people approaching Europe and applying for asylum. One of the main problems that EU had to face was separated families, as people that travel alone, including unaccompanied children, are especially vulnerable during crisis. This thesis focuses on the right to family reunification: what is the essence and consequences of the problem, how it is regulated by the legislations on both international and EU level, as well as what are the practical issues and obstacles that people face during reunification process. This thesis also focuses on the implementation of this right in Germany. During the refugee crisis Germany positioned itself as a country, which is open for refugees, thus, this thesis also analyses how family reunification process is covered in Germanyen_US
dc.publisherRiga Graduate School of Lawen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::LAW/JURISPRUDENCE::Other law::European lawen_US
dc.subjectFamily lawen_US
dc.titlePossibilities of and obstacles to family reunification during the refugee crisis, with a special focus on Germanyen_US

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