Informatīvā autokrātija
Ņizkodubovs, Andrejs
Latvijas Universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte
Holma, Baiba
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
Bakalaura darba “Informatīvā autokrātija” mērķis ir definēt, apzināt un novērtēt dezinformācijas, cenzūras, slepenas vardarbības un informatīvās elites kooptācijas lomu informatīvās autokrātijas režīma fenomenā. Bakalaura darbā tika noskaidrots, ka informatīvā autokrātija ir autoritārā politiskā režīma veids, kas izveidojās 21. gadsimta sākumā. Šis režīms, autokrāta varā, balstās uz informācijas plūsmas pārvaldību, kas paredz valsts mediju kontroli, neatkarīgu mediju apspiešanu, cenzūras politikas īstenošanu, propagandas izplatīšanu, informētās elites kooptāciju, lielu sabiedrības neinformētību, politisko oponentu apspiešanu, to marginalizāciju un pret tiem vērstām slēptām represijām, policijas un specdienestu uzturēšanu protestu un sacelšanās neitralizēšanai. Pateicoties bakalaura darbā izvēlētajai pētniecības metodei – kontentanalīzei, tika noskaidrots, ka Krievijas prezidentam V. Putinam izpaužas gan informatīvā autokrāta, gan vecā tipa diktatora diskursam raksturīgās iezīmes, kas tika nodefinētas S. Gurijeva un D. Treismana kopējā izstrādātā teorijā “A Theory of Informational Autocracy”. Atslēgvārdi: The aim of the bachelor's thesis “Informational Autocracy” is to define, identify and evaluate the role of disinformation, censorship, secret violence and information elite co-operation in the phenomenon of the informational autocracy regime. The bachelor's thesis revealed that information autocracy is a form of authoritarian political regime that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century. This regime, based on autocracy, is based on the management of the flow of information, including control of the state media, repression of independent media, censorship, propaganda, informed elite co-op, large-scale public ignorance, oppression of political opponents and covert repression against them, the maintenance of police and special services to counter protests and insurgencies. Due to the research method chosen in the bachelor's thesis - content analysis, it was found that Russian President Putin has the characteristics of both the informative autocrat and the old dictator's discourse, which was defined in the theory "A Theory of Informational Autocracy" developed by S. Guriyev and D. Trismann. Keywords: Informative autocracy, political regime, elite, co-operation, information, censorship, propaganda, repression, violence. , politiskais režīms, elite, kooptācija, informācija, cenzūra, propaganda, represijas, vardarbība. The aim of the bachelor's thesis “Informational autocracy” is to define, identify and evaluate the role of disinformation, censorship, secret violence and information elite co-operation in the phenomenon of the informational autocracy regime. The bachelor's thesis revealed that information autocracy is a form of authoritarian political regime that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century. This regime, based on autocracy, is based on the management of the flow of information, including control of the state media, repression of independent media, censorship, propaganda, informed elite co-op, large-scale public ignorance, oppression of political opponents and covert repression against them, the maintenance of police and special services to counter protests and insurgencies. Due to the research method chosen in the bachelor's thesis - content analysis, it was found that Russian President Putin has the characteristics of both the informative autocrat and the old dictator's discourse, which was defined in the theory "A Theory of Informational Autocracy" developed by S. Guriyev and D. Trismann. Keywords: Informative autocracy, political regime, elite, co-operation, information, censorship, propaganda, repression, violence.