Недавние добавления

  • Aramaiskie pētījumi: Gramatiskā sieta nobīde un Tenisona brīvība 

    Zeps, Dainis (2023-12-11)
    Aplūkota ideja aplūkot semītu valodā gramatisku nobīdi analoģijā ar Modra Tenisona ornamentu ģenēzes teoriju, ar tajā ieviesto jēdzienu sieta nobīde. Skatījums veikts ChatGPT pielietojuma kontekstā, analizējot biblisko ...
  • Towards a General Definition of Modeling 

    Podnieks, Karlis (2010-11-24)
    What is a model? Surprisingly, in philosophical texts, this question is asked (sometimes), but almost never – answered. Instead of a general answer, usually, some classification of models is considered. The broadest possible ...
  • Explanation and Understanding in a Model-Based Model of Cognition 

    Podnieks, Karlis (2017-11-20)
    This article is an experiment. Consider a minimalist model of cognition (models, means of model-building and history of their evolution). In this model, explanation could be defined as a means allowing to advance: production ...
  • Truth Demystified 

    Podnieks, Karlis (2015-11-05)
    For further development, see Karlis Podnieks in ResearchGate. How could we recognize truth, if we only have models, means of model-building, and the history of their evolution? Where is the truth in the cloud of models – ...
  • Computer Programming Aptitude Test as a Tool for Reducing Student Attrition 

    Borzovs, Juris; Niedrite, Laila; Solodovnikova, Darja (2015-03-20)
    The stable trend to lose from one-third to half of students in the first study year of computing studies motivated us to explore, which methods are used to determine in advance such applicants, who have no change to overcome ...
  • Factors Affecting Attrition among First Year Computer Science Students: the Case of University of Latvia 

    Borzovs, Juris; Niedrite, Laila; Solodovnikova, Darja (2015-03-18)
    The purpose of our study was to identify reasons for high dropout of students enrolled in the first year of the computer science study program to make it possible to determine students, who are potentially in risk. Several ...
  • Einšteina relativitātes teorija līdz E=mc2. Matemātiķa piedzīvojumi. 3.izdevums. 

    Podnieks, Kārlis (2015-03-11)
    Viegli lasāms relativitātes teorijas formulu matemātisks izvedums līdz pat formulai E=mc2. Trešā izdevuma jaunums: formulu izvedums 3-dimensiju un n-dimensiju telpai.
  • Automated Testing of iOS Apps: tTap Extension for Apple UIAutomation 

    Kulesovs, Ivans (2015)
    Mobile apps tend to extend or even substitute the existing IT solutions. In the corporate world, according to the statistics, the preference is given to iOS devices. The complexity of the apps increases together with the ...
  • iOS Applications Testing 

    Kulesovs, Ivans (2014-05-23)
    Mobile applications conquer the world, but iOS devices hold the major share of tablets market among the corporate workers. This study aims to identify the aspects (i.e. features and/ or limitations) that influence the ...
  • iOS Applications Testing - Multivocal Sources 

    Kulesovs, Ivans (2014-05-23)
  • Terminology localization guidelines for the national scenario 

    Borzovs, Juris; Ilziņa, Ilze; Keiša, Iveta; Pinnis, Mārcis; Vasiļjevs, Andrejs (2014-04-14)
    This paper presents a set of principles and practical guidelines for terminology work in the national scenario to ensure a harmonized approach in term localization. These linguistic principles and guidelines are elaborated ...
  • Informācijas tehnoloģijas terminu lietošanas paradumi publiskajā saziņā 

    Borzovs, Juris; Ilziņa, Ilze Irēna; Keiša, Iveta; Pinnis, Mārcis; Vasiļjevs, Andrejs (2013-11-23)
    Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģijas (IKT) termini galvenokārt tiek radīti angļu valodā un pēc tam lokalizēti citās valodās. Valodu morfoloģisko un terminrades tradīciju atšķirību dēļ šāda lokalizācija mēdz būt diezgan ...
  • Einšteina relativitātes teorija līdz E=mc2. Matemātiķa piedzīvojumi. 

    Podnieks, Kārlis (2013-08-23)
    2.izdevums. Jaunu, uzlabotu un papildinātu 3.izdevumu sk. adresē https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/5408 ... nu varu piedāvāt jau daudz vairāk: gan vēl tālāk būtiski pilnveidotu Lorenca transformāciju matemātisko ...
  • Inventory of Testing Ideas and Structuring of Testing Terms 

    Kuļešovs, Ivans; Arnicāne, Vineta; Arnicāns, Guntis; Borzovs, Juris (2013-08-15)
    Study includes software testing terms and ideas inventory, software testing overview and schematization on meta-level and structuring of lower level elements related to software testing such as testing oracles, testing ...
  • Software Testing Overview on Different Generalization Levels 

    Kuļešovs, Ivans; Arnicane, Vineta; Arnicans, Guntis; Borzovs, Juris (2013-08-01)
    There are many different views on software testing co-exist even within the borders of one organization. That is why we have decided to prepare software testing overview on metalevel indicating main influencers that make ...
  • Einšteina relativitātes teorija. Matemātiķa piedzīvojumi. 

    Podnieks, Kārlis (2013-07-12)
    1.izdevums. Jaunu, uzlabotu un papildinātu 3.izdevumu sk. adresē https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/5408 Viegli lasāms relativitātes teorijas formulu matemātisks izvedums.
  • Informācijas tehnoloģijas terminu lietošanas paradumi publiskajā saziņā 

    Borzovs, Juris; Ilziņa, Ilze Irēna; Cauna, Eduards; Keiša, Iveta; Pinnis, Mārcis; Vasiļjevs, Andrejs
    Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģijas (IKT) termini galvenokārt tiek radīti angļu valodā un pēc tam lokalizēti citās valodās. Valodu morfoloģisko un terminrades tradīciju atšķirību dēļ šāda lokalizācija mēdz būt diezgan ...