E-resource repository of the University of Latvia
E-resource repository of the University of Latvia provides the possibility to collate, preserve and access freely the scientific achievements of the University of Latvia. It contains publications of the staff members of the University of Latvia - published articles, doctoral thesis and abstracts, conference proceedings, administrative, scientific and funded project reports and other electronic documents.
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RPIVA / RTTEMA (1995-2016) [4347]
Ēku konstruktīvo elementu un Latvijas klimatoloģijas datu bāze
(2024)Datubāze satur datus par ēku konstruktīvo elementu energoefektivitāti, siltināšanas materiālu un darbu datus, datus par Latvijas vietu klimatoloģiju, ko izmanto ēku apkures datu aprēķinos. -
Zinātņu vēsture un muzeoloģija: Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja sekcijas referātu tēžu krājums, 2024.gada janvāris-aprīlis
(LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2024)Latvijas Universitātes 82. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja sekcijas “Zinātņu vēsture un muzeoloģija” referātu tēžu krājums. 2024.gada konferencē sekcijas ietvaros notika vairāki pasākumi: ... -
Temperature-dependent luminescence of europium-doped Ga₂O₃ ceramics
(Elsevier B.V., 2025)This study explores the synthesis and luminescent properties of europium-doped gallium oxide (Ga₂O₃:Eu) ceramics fabricated via electron beam-assisted synthesis (EBAS) at 1.4 MeV. The resulting Ga₂O₃:Eu ceramics exhibit a ... -
Synthesis of Periodic Porous Structures on the Surface of Indium Phosphide
(Sciendo, 2024)The paper demonstrates the possibility of forming specific nanostructures of the “parquet” type of nanowires on the InP surface. The resulting nanostructure is characterised by an ordered transverse and longitudinal relative ... -
Phase Retrieval of One-Dimensional Objects by the Multiple-Plane Gerchberg–Saxton Algorithm Implemented into a Digital Signal Processor
(MDPI, 2024)In the current study, we address the phase retrieval of one-dimensional phase objects from near-field diffraction patterns using the multiple-plane Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm, which is still widely used for phase retrieval. ...