Now showing items 1-10 of 50
Anti-money laundering: civil liability of banks vis-a-vis their customers
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
In this master’s thesis the nearly unexamined topic of the civil liability of banks vis-à-vis their customers for improper application of anti-money laundering measures in the Latvian perspective is explored. The findings ...
Issues of residential property division in Latvia: impact of Residential Property Law amendments on residential project development in several phases
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
The Amendments to the Law on Residential Property, effective from 13 July 2017, have revised the Law on Residential Property, which has been in force since 1 January 2011. The new regulation was aimed to determine clear ...
Evidence in international arbitration: with case-study of arbitration law of Latvia
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
Within globalization and rapid technological process, more and more merchants involve in international transactions and thus more and more international disputes arise. Arbitration is one of dispute settlement mechanisms. ...
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights from the perspective of regional newspapers’ freedom of expression in Latvia
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
The present thesis raises a question: are media able to fulfill its “watchdog” role and spread democracy and freedom of expression in Latvia? Is society informed about unfair Municipality’s practice to portray itself in a ...
Employers rights to require employees criminal conviction background information
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
The thesis aim is to analyse European Union’s legislation regarding personal data processing and cases when such data can be issued to third parties. The research focuses on the human rights law in the context of personal ...
Smoking restrictions’ impact on fundamental rights: case of Latvia
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
This research is about smoking restrictions in the context of constitutional law, specifically in relation to restriction of fundamental rights. The purpose of the thesis is to determine whether a provision that prohibits ...
The legal framework of the e-commerce taxation in EU
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018)
The thesis examines the mechanism of the current legal regulation of relations in the field of e-commerce taxation in the Republic of Latvia and formulates proposals for eliminating gaps and shortcomings in the legal ...
Comparison of Polish and Latvian low-skilled labour immigration policy
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2019)
There is significant evidence that attributes Polish economic growth to immigration employment. Given recent attention to the lack of workforce in Latvia to complete low-skilled labour gaps, the discussion has emerged about ...
Legal framework for secured corporate bonds in Latvia: proposal for a new regulation introducing the concept of a collateral agent
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2019)
Access to finance is considered as one of the key factors to successful financial market development. European companies face problems with corporate funding which is treated as one of the main barriers to corporate growth ...
Analysis of the law on the prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing and law on International Sanctions and National Sanctions of the Republic of Latvia in relation to non-residents and non-entities and comparison with international requirements. Main problems and solutions
(Riga Graduate School of Law, 2019)
The study examines the impact of changes in the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing and Law on International Sanctions and National Sanctions of the Republic of Latvia on non-residents and ...