Отображаемые элементы 1-10 из 1015
Comparing various concepts of function prediction. Part 2.
(Latvia State University, 1975)
Prediction: f(m+1) is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). Program synthesis: a program computing f is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). The hypotheses are required to be correct for all sufficiently large m, or with some ...
One more geodesic graph
In this note, written in Latvian, a way to build geodesic graphs, graphs with
unique shortest path between every two vertices, is considered. Geodesic
graphs are trees, odd cycles, and nontrivial example, the graph of ...
Some reflections on the education of computer scientists
This article in Latvian contains some reflections on educational problems
what concerns computer science.
An Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Finding Hamiltonian Cycles
(EIK,Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik, Universität Trier, Akademie Verlag, 1980)
The paper suggests an exhaustive search algorithm for finding
Hamiltonian circuits in an undirected graph based on depth-first
search and working successfully on sparse graphs. The method is
based on the idea not to ...
Taking the programming paradigm with the cycle invariant as a base notion
there for a ground cycle paradigm, in a more general setting here these
things are considered. Epistemological aspects with reference to Rene
Descartes ...
Ornamental sign language in the first order tracery belts
(Prespacetime Journal, 2010)
We consider an ornamental sign language of first order where principles of sieve displacement, of asymmetric building blocks as a base of ornament symmetry, color exchangeability and side equivalence principles work. Generic ...
How to draw combinatorial maps?
In this article we consider the combinatorial map (rendered by permutations)
approach to graphs on surfaces and how between both could be establish some
terminological uniformity in favor of combinatorial maps in the way ...