Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Radot iespējas attīstībai: diasporas bērnu un jauniešu izglītība
(LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2015)
Digital single market conducive to the promotion of social dialogue and social investment in the regional cohesion context
(University of Latvia, 2017-05-20)
This article examines problems of the digital single market from two perspectives: the extension of a digital economy beyond capital, goods and services to other areas of the economy including labour markets, social dialogue ...
Social Participation Through Volunteering as Co-production of Public Services: Case Study of Latvia
(University of Latvia, 2016-05-12)
Active civic and social participation is considered to be significantly important for a country`s development in democratic societies. One of the popular forms of active citizenship is volunteering – the third economy ...
The Feasibility Study of Innovative Public Policy Client-Accordance Index
(IIAS Study Group on ‘Coproduction of Public Services’, 2019-05-27)
The role of the societies and their interaction with public administration is changing toward ever closer cooperation. Since 2009 scientific literature, and to a lesser extent also the public administrations themselves, ...
Digitalization in the regional context: the case of e-government services in Latvia
(Warsaw University, Centre for Europe, 2018-12-15)
This article examines problems of the digital trends in economies and societies from two perspectives: the extension of a digital economy to social dimensions, and the role of digital government services in regional cohesion ...
From Design to Service Design, and Co-production
This paper focuses on interdisciplinary approach to finding similarity of problems and their solutions, how both governmental institutions and designers can deal with service and social design, co-creation and co-production. ...
Datu zinātība skolai
(LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023)
Grāmatā atklāta datos balstīta lēmumu pieņemšana attīstības risinājumiem izglītībā, šī procesa būtība un norise pakāpenisku izmaiņu panākšanai skolu praksē. Piedāvāts datu kompleksās analīzes modelis skolas attīstības ...