Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Breath testing as potential colorectal cancer screening tool 

      Amal, Haitham; Leja, Marcis; Funka, Konrads; Lasina, Ieva; Skapars, Roberts; Sivins, Armands; Ancans, Guntis; Kikuste, Ilze; Vanags, Aigars; Tolmanis, Ivars; Kirsners, Arnis; Kupcinskas, Limas; Haick, Hossam (International Union against Cancer, Wiley, 2015)
    • Detection of precancerous gastric lesions and gastric cancer through exhaled breath 

      Amal, Haitham; Leja, Marcis; Funka, Konrads; Skapars, Roberts; Sivins, Armands; Ancans, Guntis; Liepniece-Karele, Inta; Kikuste, Ilze; Lasina, Ieva; Haick, Hossam (British Society of Gastroenterology, 2015)
    • Non-contact breath sampling for sensor-based breath analysis 

      Mochalski, Pawel; Shuster, Gregory; Leja, Marcis; Unterkofler, Karl; Jaeschke, Carsten; Roberts, Skapars; Gasenko, Evita; Polaka, Inese; Vasiljevs, Edgars; Shani, Gidi; Mitrovics, Jan; Mayhew, Christopher A; Haick, Hossam (IOP Publisher, 2019)
      Breath analysis holds great promise for real-time and non-invasive medical diagnosis. Thus, there is a considerable need for simple-in-use and portable analyzers for rapid detection of breath indicators for different ...