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dc.contributor.advisorZelmene, Ināraen_US
dc.contributor.authorKundziņa-Zvejniece, Lailaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Vēstures un filozofijas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMusdienas, kad pastav politiskas korumpetibas apstakli, klust aktuali jautajumi par faktoriem, kas veido sabiedrisko domu, kas butu balstita uz humanam, nacionalam un progresivam vertibu idejam un kura spetu mazinat šos politiskas korumpetibas apstaklus. Mana darba merkis ir izvertet 19. gadsimta sabiedriskas domas veidotaju - dendiju modes, stila, uzvedibas normu un uzskatu ietekmi uz politisko, socialo un intelektualo vidi. Mana darba struktura ir pakartota darba merkim, vispirms pieveršoties petijuma subjektam – dendijiem un ši varda etimologijai. Nakamaja nodala es pieveršos dendisma izcelšanas vesturiskajiem nosacijumiem un attistibai laika perioda no 18. gadsimta vidus lidz 20. gadsimta sakumam. Sava darba nakamaja nodala raksturošu petišu dendisma stila un modes kvalitates. Nodala par dendiju profesijam un nodarbošanos laika perioda no 18. gadsimta otras puses lidz musdienam, esmu petijusi konkretu dendiju personibas, ipaši akcentejot to individualitatem raksturigo. Dendisma lomu es vertešu pec ta ietekmes uz vestures gaitu – sabiedribas noskanojuma mainu un paliekošajam izmainam, ta ietekmi uz dažadiem jauninajumiem tehnologiju zina. Dendisms javerte, pirmkart, ka sava laikmeta pretrunu katalizators, un, otrkart, ka inovativa, uz humanam, progresivam idejam balstita vesturiska paradiba.en_US
dc.description.abstractNowadays, in the time of political corruption, most important question for intelligence are find the reasons how to influence public opinion in a way to change this political situation. These changes have to be based on the principles of human, national and progressive values. The main goal of my Master work is to evaluate public opinion moderators – dandies breeding in the 19th century. Dandy with his fashion, style, manners and performance influence political, social and intellectual environment. The structure of my work is based on the goal and firstly I did my research on the word dandy etymology and to evaluate concept of dandyism in literature. In the following chapters I did research about historical conditions of establishing, development and decline of dandyism as well as characterizing qualities of fashion and style of concrete dandy individualities. The role of dandyism I evaluate based on influence to historical process, the change of public opinion and influence to development of technologies. I did my research based on principles that dandies are canalizations who following innovative, human and progressive ideas.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleDendisms kā vēsturiska parādība jaunajos laikosen_US
dc.title.alternativeDandyism as Historic Phenomena in Modern Historyen_US

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