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dc.contributor.advisorTumans, Harijsen_US
dc.contributor.authorPričina, Līgaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Vēstures un filozofijas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMagistra darbs „Sabiedribas etikas normu attistiba Homera poemas” veltits Latvija maz petitai temai: Antikas Griekijas sabiedriba, religija, cilveku un mitologisko speku attiecibas – gan savstarpejas, gan mijiedarbibas. Darbs fokusejas uz etikas normu attistibas petisanu Homera poemas „Iliada” un „Odiseja” aprakstitaja laika – ta sauktajos „Tumsajos gadsimtos” (XII-VIII gs.p.m.e.). Darba raksturota ta laika sabiedriba, attiecibas un etikas izpratne, tas izpausmes. Sabiedribas attistiba tiek paradita caur taisniguma, goda un cienas, ka ari atbildiguma izpratni. Darba galvenais rezultats ir Homera poemas esosas sabiedribas attistibas faktoru etikas normu izpratne raksturojums.en_US
dc.description.abstractMaster thesis „Development of Society Ethical Standards in Homer's Poems” is dedicated to the topic little researched in Latvia: Antique Greek society, religion, human and mythological power relations - both mutual and interaction. The paper focuses on the studying the development of ethical standards in the time described at Homer's poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - the so-called "dark ages" (XII-VIII century BC.). The paper describes society, relationship and ethical understanding and its manifestation of that time. Development of society is shown through fairness, dignity and respect, as well as accountability awareness. The main result of the paper is the characterisation of existing societal development factors within the meaning of ethical standards in Homer’s poems.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleSabiedrības ētikas normu attīstība Homēra poēmāsen_US
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Society Ethical Standards in Homer's Poemsen_US

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