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dc.contributor.advisorStraube, Gvido
dc.contributor.authorKrastiņa, Eva
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Vēstures un filozofijas fakultāte
dc.description.abstractPētījums ir par rūpniecības nozari, konkrēti par vīna un liķiera sekciju. Latvijas teritorijā vīns un liķieris ticis gan uzglabāts, gan ražots. Latvijā vīna ražošanu aizsāka agronoms Pēteris Delle, viņa vadībā tika rīkoti kursi un apmācīti vīndari. Rīgā pastāvēja uzņēmumi – darītavas, un liķieru fabrikas. Šajā pētījuma stadijā ir zināmi divi uzņēmumi, kuri nodarbojās ar vīna un liķiera ražošanu - Jēkaba Otlana darītava uz Pauluči ielas (mūsdienās Merķeļa iela) un uzņēmums a/s „Augļu eksports”.. Tika izstrādātas arī Latvijas vīna šķirnes. Avoti liecina, ka ar Latvijā saražoto vīnu ir bijis iespējams konkurēt arī ārzemju tirgū, kaut arī ārzemju vīns tika importēts Latvijas teritorijā. Ne mazāk konkurējošs ārzemju tirgū ir bijis Rīgā saražotais liķieris. Latvijā ražotais vīns un liķieris ticis veiksmīgi eksportēts uz ārvalstīm, taču saražotā produkcija tika realizēta arī pašmāju tirgū. Darītavas pašas tirgoja savu produkciju, tāpat pastāvēja arī vīna tirgotavas - 10 valsts un dažas privātās tirgotavas. Viena no vecākajām vīnu trgotavām Rīgā eksistēja kopš 1816. gada. Uzņēmuma nosaukums bija „Jeager&Ko”. Vīna cenas tirgotavās svārstījās no 45 kapeikām līdz 2 rubļiem. Liķieru ražotāji bija izveidojuši biedrību ar kuras palīdzību sekmēja liķieru ražošanu Latvijā un Rīgā.
dc.description.abstractThe present research focuses on the manufacturing sector, specifically on the wine industry. Wine and liqueur has been both produced and stored in the territory of Latvia. Agronomist Pēteris Delle launched wine production in Latvia, various courses were organised and winemakers were tutored. Wineries and liqueur factories existed in Riga. Two wine companies that produced wine and liqueurs have been discovered in the research till the present moment – winery of Jēkabs Otlans which was situated on Pauluči street and enterprise “Augļu eksports” (“Fruit export”). It is known that liqueur was also produced in these wineries. Several Latvian wine breeds were developed during these times. According to sources, the wine that was produced in Latvia was able to compete with foreign wines, even though foreign wines were imported in the territory of Latvia. The liqueurs that were produced in Riga were equally competetive in the market. Latvian wine was successfully exported to foreign countries, but it was also sold in the local market. Wineries sold their production on their own, but some wine shops also existed. There were 10 wine shops that belonged to the country and several private wine shops. The oldest wine shop existed in Riga since 1816 and it was owned by a German citizen. The title of the company was “Jeager&Ko” and the prices of the wine were from 45 kopeck to 2 ruble. Producers of liqueur had established association which contributed to the production of liqueurs in Riga and Latvia.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.titleVīna un liķiera ražotavas un tirgotavas Rīgā no 19. gs beigām līdz 20. gs sākumam
dc.title.alternativeWineries, liqueur breweries and their marketplaces in Riga from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century

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