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dc.contributor.advisorNikodemus, Oļģertsen_US
dc.contributor.authorSilamiķele, Ineseen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Ģeogrāfijas un Zemes zinātņu fakultāteen_US
dc.descriptionElektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusen_US
dc.description.abstractIneses Silamikeles promocijas darba „Humifikacijas un kimisko elementu akumulacijas raksturs augsto purvu kudra atkariba no tas sastava un veidošanas” tiek apskatiti procesi kudras veidošanas gaita, pienemot, ka galvenais kudras masas elementu avots ir kudru veidojošie organismi, gruntsudeni un atmosferas nokrišni. Vides piesarnojuma rakstura, ka ari kudras sastava del elemntu uzkrašanas ipatnibas kudra var but izteikti regionalas. Izmantojot multiparametru izpetes metodes analizetas 6 Latvijas purvos iegutas kudras. Rezultati apliecina, ka kimisko elementu saturs purvu kudra ir atkarigs gan no kudras, gan no petita elementa ipašibam. Katram elementam, atkariba no konkreta purva uzbuves, koncentracijas straujš pieaugums sakas atškirigos dzilumos. Kudra purvos veido 3 limenu sistemu ar atškirigiem šajos limenos norisošo procesu raksturiem.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of Ineses Silamikeles doctoral thesis „The character of humification and accumulation of chemical elements in raised-bog peat depending on its composition and formation” is to study the character of accumulation of chemical elements in peat depending on peat properties, features of bogs, and the character of peat accumulation, as well as the impact of local and regional pollution sources on the type of element accumulation in raised bogs of Latvia. The main sources of elements in the peat mass are organisms that form peat, groundwater, and precipitation, whereas peat properties determine the capacity of peat to accumulate chemical elements. Changes in peat properties depend on the location of peat in the horizontal and vertical crosssections of the bog, on the water regime, and on the composition and the specific character of decomposition of peat-forming plants. Regarding accumulation of chemical elements, bog peat can be classified according to a system of three levels, with different processes going on at each level.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectVides zinātneen_US
dc.subjectVides aizsardzībaen_US
dc.titleHumifikācijas un ķīmisko elementu akumulācijas raksturs augsto purvu kūdrā atkarībā no tās sastāva un veidošanāsen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe character of humification and accumulation of chemical elements in raised-bog peat depending on its composition and formationen_US

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