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dc.contributor.advisorMantrovs, Vadims
dc.contributor.authorLabeja, Alise
dc.contributor.otherRIga Graduate School of Law
dc.description.abstractColour per se trade mark registration has always been a relatively complex process especially assessing the mandatory requirement of distinctiveness. The abolition of the previously mandatory necessity for graphic representation has promoted greater attention to the issues relating the distinctiveness aspects. The examination of existing courts practice and the case analysis is used in order to estimate main challenges relating the acquisition of the distinctiveness for colour per se trade mark registration. The main issue that hinder the acquisition of distinctiveness is the competition aspects, thus courts are not interested to encourage excessive colour monopolization in order to avoid any aggravation of the competition environmenten_US
dc.publisherRiga Graduate School of Lawen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::LAW/JURISPRUDENCE::Private law::Intellectual property lawen_US
dc.subjectTrade marksen_US
dc.titleChallenges relating the acquisition of the distinctiveness for colour per se trade mark registrationen_US

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