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dc.contributor.advisorPokšāns, Artūrs
dc.contributor.authorKupka-Harrison, Daniella Alexandra Irene
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte
dc.description.abstractBakalaura darbā es koncentrējos gan uz fiziskajām, gan abstraktajām NATO robežām, kas ir ietekmējošie faktori NATO ģimeņu integrācijas procesā uzņemšanas valstī un organizācijas dalībnieku identitātes veidošanā. Es skatu kā abstraktās robežas, piemēram, valodas robežas, tiek konstruētas un uzturētas militārajā kontekstā. Analizējot dalībnieku intervijas, es uzsveru cilvēku pieredzes aspektus gan NATO robežās, gan ārpus tām, dalībnieku pašidentifikāciju, kā arī kultūru apvienošanos.
dc.description.abstractIn this ethnography, I am focusing on NATO borders, and how both physical as well as abstract borders may affect how NATO family members integrate into the host country that they currently are stationed in and how NATO members have created an identity for themselves, as well as how abstract borders, such as language borders, are constructed and preserved within a military context. By analysing participant interviews, I am highlighting aspects of people’s experiences both within NATO borders, as well as outside, and how self-ascribing identity, as well as merging cultures is seen by the participants. Some of the main findings are that language is an important factor in the integration of NATO members, as well as the creation and maintenance of intangible borders, as well as that integration is impacts NATO members experiences with diaspora, distrust and division, but also transcuturalization.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectIntangible Borders
dc.subjectStructural Borders
dc.subjectSelf-Ascription and Identity
dc.titleKā robežas ietekmē NATO ģimenes locekļu integrāciju uzņēmējvalstī
dc.title.alternativeHow borders affect integrating NATO family members in the host country

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