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dc.contributor.advisorBojārs, Jurisen_US
dc.contributor.authorGrasis, Jānisen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāteen_US
dc.descriptionElektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusen_US
dc.description.abstractANOTACIJA Promocijas darbs “Trasta butiba, ta atzišana un tiesiskais regulejums romanu – germanu tiesibu saimes valstis un iespejama parnemšana Latvija” ir veltita trastu tiesiskajam regulejumam. 1.nodala “Trastu butiba, to izveidošanas, iedalijums un problemjautajumi” dod ieskatu trasta instrumenta attistiba kopš pirmajiem trastiem, kas mineti vesture. 2.nodala “Trasti atseviškas romanu – germanu tiesibu sistemas valstis” tiek salidzinata vairaku romanu – germanu tiesibu saimes valstu tiesiska vide attieciba uz trastu. 3.nodala “Hagas Trastu konvencija” tiek apskatiti Hagas konvencijas par trastu atzišanu un tiem piemerojamo likumu galvenie jautajumi. 4.nodala “Eiropas Trastu likumu principi” sniedz ieskatu Eiropas Trastu likumu principos, kurus ir izstradajuši vadošie Eiropas akademiskie speki trasta likumu jautajumos. 5.nodala “Trasta instruments un Latvija” dod detalizetu ieskatu Latvijas tiesibu instrumentos, kas ir lidzigi vai analogi trastam. Nemot vera petijuma rezultatus autors ir izstradajis trastu likumprojektu Latvijas komercbanku vajadzibam.en_US
dc.description.abstractANNOTATION The dissertation paper “The Essence of Trusts, its Recognition and Legal Regulation in the Roman – German Law System Countries and Possible Introduction in Latvia” is devoted to the legal regulation of trusts. Chapter 1 “The essence, formation, classification and main problematic issues of trusts” covers the historical development of trust instrument since first trusts mentioned in the law history. Chapter 2 “Trusts in several Continental law system countries” compares the legal approach of several Roman – German law system countries to the trust instrument. Chapter 3 “Hague Convention on Trusts” reflects the main issues of the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition. Chapter 4 “Principles of European Trust Law” provides the introduction to the Principles of European Trust Law elaborated by the leading European academics in the field of trust law Chapter 5 “Trust instrument and Latvia” gives a detailed insight into Latvian legal instruments which are analogous or similar to the trust. Taking into account the results of the research, the author has elaborated draft Trust law for the needs of Latvian commercial banks.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectJuridiskā zinātneen_US
dc.subjectTiesību zinātneen_US
dc.titleTrasta būtība, tā atzīšana un tiesiskais regulējums romāņu-ģermāņu tiesību saimes valstīs un iespējamā pārņemšana Latvijāen_US
dc.title.alternativePromocijas darbsen_US

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