Implementation of competition law in Latvia in terms of cartels

Berkova, Darja
Riga Graduate School of Law
Jēkabsone, Inga
Zur LanganzeigeZusammenfassung
The Bachelor thesis issue cartel as the destruction of competition between companies in Latvia. This theme is crucial due to companies making cartels in many sectors such as construction, car manufacturing, telecommunication, etc. This issue affects the market and disturbs competition between companies in Latvia. With this thesis, the author intends to find and analyse different types of cartels in Latvia and identify ways to develop competition laws in Latvia. The main object of the thesis is Section 11 and Section 12 Competition Law of Latvia.
The Bachelor thesis aim is to analyse Latvian competition law since it has been modified from the EU competition law framework to get insight into how the CC in Latvia has performed over time. The Bachelor thesis covers concepts such as sharing the market, market condition fixing, controlling the output and rigging bids. However, the objectives of the paper are to determine the meaning of the cartel to identify prohibited actions by companies. Also, the study's second objective is to determine which types of cartels are used in Latvia. Moreover, the last objective of the thesis is to find improvements that could be made to the Latvian competition system. The result of the thesis is to understand the meaning of cartels and Latvian development in terms of prohibited agreements. However, the thesis finds recommendations by the OECD and other scholars to understand what future laws can be implemented in Latvia for better ways to identify cartels and decrease the risk of creating cartels.