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dc.contributor.advisorČehlova, Zojaen_US
dc.contributor.authorNovožilova, Aļonaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractZinatniski petnieciska darba tema ir „Skolenu kulturas identitates attistiba macibu procesa”. Petijuma objekts ir svesvalodas macisanas process vidusskola. Petijuma prieksmets – skolenu kulturas identitates attistisana svesvalodas stundas. Darba tiek analizeta psihologiski pedagogiska un kulturas satura literatura par skolena kulturas identitates veidosanas procesu. Magistra darbs sastav no trim dalam, taja ievietoti 16atteli, 4 tabulas, 7 pielikumi. Pirmaja dala ir dota koncepta „kulturas identitate” definicija, noteikts eksperimenta klases skolenu kulturas identitates kriteriji un raditaji. Autore pieversas tekstu par valstim, kas satur informaciju par kulturu, vesturi, tradicijam, izmantosanai svesvalodu stundas pamatskola. Magistra darba otraja dala ir atspoguloti veidojusa eksperimenta rezultati. Ta laika tika noteikta izstradata kulturas komponenta modela efektivitate svesvalodu stundas. Tiek analizeti tadi macibu procesa komponenti ka macibu grupu darbs, radosa darbiba, dialoga izmantosana svesvalodas stunda, ka ari projekta darbs, kas ir viens no radosas darbibas veidiem. Tresaja nodala ir analizeti veidojosa un konstatejosa eksperimenta rezultati. Darba ir sniegtas rekomendacijas, ka uzturet skolenu interesi par svesvalodas apgusanu un paaugstinat skolenu motivaciju, macoties par citu valstu vesturi un kulturu. Eksperiments notika 2004.-2006. gada Rigas 34.visusskolas 5.- 6.klases.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe theme of scientific-research work is „ The Development of Students Cultural Identity”. The object of investigation is the process of foreign language teaching in secondary school. The subject of investigation is the developing of students’ cultural identity at the English language lessons. The theoretical analysis of psychological - pedagogical research work. The problem of students` cultural identity development is broadly discussed in the first part of the investigation. The scientific-research work consists of three parts. The determination of cultural identity concept is given in the first part. The criteria and the levels cultural identity of the students in experimental form are showed in details. The author discusses the peculiarities of foreign language teaching culture and history of English – speaking countries at the lessons of English. The second part of the work includes the forming experiment, the results of which show the efficiency of worked out model of cultural components in the process of teaching at the lessons of foreign lessons. The following types of educational activity are mentioned: creative activity, group-work, the use of a dialogue at the lessons of English language and the use of projects. The recommendations how to maintain the students` interest in foreign-language studying, are given in the work. The author discusses the way of students` motivation in studying the culture and history of English- speaking countries. The third part consists of the results` analysis of the exterminating experiment and the forming experiment. The forming experiment was carried out in the sixth form of Riga Secondary School ~ 34. The term of investigation 2004 - 2006.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleSkolēna kultūras identitātes attīstība mācību procesāen_US
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of pupils' cultural identity in the study processen_US

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