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dc.contributor.advisorOdiņa, Indraen_US
dc.contributor.authorMatvejeva, Solvitaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractANOTACIJA Diplomdarba autores skolotajas darba pieredze radija, ka neveiksmes dzive bieži tiek pieredzetas publiskas runas zinašanu trukuma del. Tapec diplomdarba autore pagajušo macibu gadu nolema uzrakstit projektu un lugt skolas administraciju atlaut vadit publiskas runas nodarbibas vidusskolniekiem, kuri brivpratigi velejas šis prasmes apgut. Pirma ši gada laika vinai bija japierada, ka šada veida nodarbibas butiski uzlabo un veicina skolenu publiskas runas iemanu un anglu valodas prasmju attistibu. Tika izlemts šo projektu turpinat, meklejot jaunus veidus un pieejas, lai pec iespejas sekmigak varetu attistit skolenu publiskas runas prasmes. Autore bija izveidojusi savu macibu programmu, izstradajusi un izvelejusies materialus un uzdevumus, balstoties uz skolenu vajadzibam publiskas runas iemanu attistibai. Neskatoties uz to tika secinats, ka ir nepieciešams meklet papildus jaunas pieejas un metodes skolenu publiskas runas attistibai. Autore izlema stradat pie refleksijas lidzekliem, izmantojot filmešanu, dažadas veidlapas atgriezeniskas saites un izvertejuma strategiju pielietošanai, lai skoleni sekmetu gan savu, gan grupas biedru publiskas runas prasmju attistibu. Autores petijuma metode bija atseviška gadijuma petijums divu menešu laika (no septembra lidz novembrim) 2008. gada Liepajas Raina 6. vidusskola. Nodarbibam pieteicas devini skoleni – 4 meitenes un 5 zeni no vidusskolas klasem vecuma no 16 – 19 gadiem. Ir svarigi pieminet, ka visu skolenu anglu valodas limenis vertejams ka augsts. Dati tika ieguti izmantojot skolenu aizpilditas anketas, grupas biedru izvertejumu un pašvertejumu, skolotajas vertejumu, filmešanas materialu un diskusiju rezultatus. Papildus diplomdarba autore izmantoja ari savus personigos noverojumus, lai novertetu katra skolena personigo un grupas kopejo izaugsmi. Iegutie rezultati noradija, ka tadi refleksijas lidzekli ka atgriezeniska saite, izvertejums un filmešana sekme skolenu publiskas runas attistibu. Skoleni atzinigi noverteja atgriezenisko saiti un izvertejumu, kuru sanema no saviem grupas biedriem. Kopigas problemas, kas trauceja sasniegt merki tika atklatas un izskaustas vinu turpmakajas apmacibas procesa. Petijuma rezultata tika secinats, ka diplomdarba hipoteze izradijas patiesa. Tas atklaja, ka macišanas sadarbojoties sava starpa, regulari izmantojot tadas refleksijas lidzeklus ka atgriezeniska saite, izvertejums un filmešana , ir labveliga skolenu publiskas runas attistibai.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe experience showed that various failures in life were often caused by the lack of knowledge of public speech. Therefore, the author of this Diploma Paper decided to write the project and ask the school’s administration the permission to have public speaking classes with volunteering students from secondary school forms. During the first year the author had proved that having these extra lessons were beneficial and contributed to the English language and public speaking skills development of the students. Thus, searching for new ways on how to develop students’ public speaking skills more successfully it was decided to continue the project. The self-designed syllabus was created and there was selected and designed the activities and exercises according to the needs of learners to develop public speaking skills. Nevertheless, it was concluded that the necessity of new learning strategies had to be looked for. The author decided to work on the reflection tools using video, various feedback and evaluation strategies in order students could contribute not only their own but the development of public speaking skills of their peers. The research method the author used was a case study carried out within two months (from September to November), 2008 in Liepaja Rainis Secondary School No 6. Nine students applied for these lessons – four girls and five boys from secondary school classes, 16 – 19 years old. It is necessary to mention that all of them had upper-intermediate to advanced level of the English language. The data had been collected using various data collection methods: questionnaires, peer-evaluation and feedback, self-evaluation and feedback forms, teacher’s evaluation and feedback forms, students’ feedback lists, videotaping. Additionally, the author used her personal observation to depict each student’s and whole group’s development and progress. The gained data showed that the reflection tools such as feedback, videotaping and evaluation contributed to the development of students’ public speaking skills. They appreciated the benefits provided by the feedback and evaluation received from their peers. The common problems appearing as obstacles to achieve the aim were discovered and prevented in their further studies. Finally, the hypothesis of the Diploma Paper was verified. This leads to the conclusion that collaborative learning using the reflection tools such as feedback, videotaping and evaluation carried out regularly is advantageous in developing students’ public speaking skills.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleAtgriezeniskā saite un izvērtējums vidusskolas skolēnu publiskās runas prasmju attīstībaien_US
dc.title.alternativeFeedback and Evaluation for Developing Secondary School Students' Public Speaking Skillsen_US

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