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dc.contributor.advisorDimdiņš, Ģirtsen_US
dc.contributor.authorŠipilo, Lianaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractŠajā darbā tiek apskatīts mūsdienās Latvijā maz pētīts jautājums- Dauna sindroma māšu izjustais sociālais atbalsts, apmierinātība ar dzīvi un audzināšanas stils. Pētījuma mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai pastāv statistiski nozīmīgas saistības starp izjusto sociālo atbalstu, apmierinātību ar dzīvi un audzināšanas stilu mātēm, kurām ir bērni ar Dauna sindromu. Pētījuma izlasi veido 63 sievietes (20 Dauna sindroma bērnu mātes un 43 veselo bērnu mātes) vecumposmā no 22 līdz 52 gadiem. Pētījumā tika izmantotas trīs pētījuma metodes- Apmierinātības ar dzīvi aptauja, ( The Satisfaction with Life Scale, Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), Daudzdimensionālā sociālā atbalsta skala (Multidemensional Scale of Percived Social Support, Zimmet et al., 1988) un Vecāku audzināšanas stila aptauja (The Parental Bonding Instrument Scale Parker, 1989). Tika veikts korelatīvs pētījums, kura rezultātā tika konstatētas statistiski nozīmīgas saistības starp māšu apmierinātību ar dzīvi, izjusto sociālo atbalstu un audzināšanas stilu. Apkopojot pētījumā iegūtos rezultātus, var secināt, ka pētījuma mērķis ir sasniegts un izvirzītās hipotēzes ir apstiprinājušās. Atslēgas vārdi: apmierinātība ar dzīvi, izjustais sociālais atbalsts, vecāku audzināšanas stili, Dauna sindromsen_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper examines in nowadays significant area of study: perceived social support, satisfaction with life and parental bonding of the mothers of Down syndrome children. The goal of the study was to examine weather there exist statistically important relation among mothers who have children with Down syndrome perceived social support, satisfaction with life and parental bonding of a child. Sample of the study is made of 63 women in age range from 22 to 53 years (20 of them are mothers of Down syndrome children but the rest of them have healthy children). In the study three different research methods were exercised – The Satisfaction with Life Scale, Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Zimmet et al., 1988; The Parental Boding Instrument Scale Parker, 1989. Has been performed correlative research and the results showed statistically important relation among the satisfaction with life, perceived social support and parental bonding. Collecting the obtained results of the study can be concluded that the goal set in the study has been achieved and the hypo has been proved. Key words: Satisfaction with Life, Perceived Social Support, Parental Bonding Styles, Down syndrome. Abstract This paper examines in nowadays significant area of study: perceived social support, satisfaction with life and parental bonding of the mothers of Down syndrome children. The goal of the study was to examine weather there exist statistically important relation among mothers who have children with Down syndrome perceived social support, satisfaction with life and parental bonding of a child. Sample of the study is made of 63 women in age range from 22 to 53 years (20 of them are mothers of Down syndrome children but the rest of them have healthy children). In the study three different research methods were exercised – The Satisfaction with Life Scale, Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Zimmet et al., 1988; The Parental Boding Instrument Scale Parker, 1989. Has been performed correlative research and the results showed statistically important relation among the satisfaction with life, perceived social support and parental bonding. Collecting the obtained results of the study can be concluded that the goal set in the study has been achieved and the hypo has been proved. Key words: Satisfaction with Life, Perceived Social Support, Parental Bonding Styles, Down syndrome. Abstract This paper examines in nowadays significant area of study: perceived social support, satisfaction with life and parental bonding of the mothers of Down syndrome children. The goal of the study was to examine weather there exist statistically important relation among mothers who have children with Down syndrome perceived social support, satisfaction with life and parental bonding of a child. Sample of the study is made of 63 women in age range from 22 to 53 years (20 of them are mothers of Down syndrome children but the rest of them have healthy children). In the study three different research methods were exercised – The Satisfaction with Life Scale, Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985; Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Zimmet et al., 1988; The Parental Boding Instrument Scale Parker, 1989. Has been performed correlative research and the results showed statistically important relation among the satisfaction with life, perceived social support and parental bonding. Collecting the obtained results of the study can be concluded that the goal set in the study has been achieved and the hypo has been proved. Key words: Satisfaction with Life, Perceived Social Support, Parental Bonding Styles, Down syndrome.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleApmierinātības ar dzīvi un izjustā sociālā atbalsta saistība ar audzināšanas stilu Dauna sindroma bērnu mātēm.en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Paranting Style of Mothers of Chilrden with Down Syndrome in Relation to Life Satisfaction and Social Support.en_US

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