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dc.contributor.advisorBērziņa, Kristīneen_US
dc.contributor.authorDikins, Anatolijsen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDarbs „Internets ka ekoturisma informacijas nesejs Latvija”. Bakalaura darba merkis ir, analizejot ekoturisma izveidosanas vesturi, attistibu un situaciju Latvija, ka ari apskatot interneta nozimi ekoturisma piedavajumu popularizesana, izveidot majas lapas strukturu Latvijas ekoturisma asociacijai. Darba apjoms 74 lpp. Darbs sastav no ievada, tris nodalam: 1. nodala – ekoturisma nozime turisma industrija, 2. nodala – attistibas perspektivas un 3. nodala – majas lapas izveide Latvijas ekoturisma asociacijai, secinajumiem, izmantotas literaturas saraksta un pielikumiem. Darba galvenie secinajumi ir, ka Latvija ekoturisms ir nesena nozare, kas dabiski izveidojusies no turisma jomas un pakapeniski parnem pasaules tendences ekoturisma un ka timekli ir pieejama visplasaka spektra informacija un tiem, kuri grib izzinat par ekoturisma iespejam pasaule.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper work “Internet as an ecotourism information carrier in Latvia” has 73 pages. Paper work target is to analyze the history of the ecotourism and up growth in Latvia. Also in this paper work is review about internet sense in ecotourism and after all project of Web page of Latvian ecotourism association. Paper work includes introduction, tree chapters: 1st chapter – the sense of ecotourism in tourism industry, 2nd chapter – the up growth prospect, 3rd – project of Web page of Latvian ecotourism association, conclusions, bibliographic list and supplements. The bases conclusions are that ecotourism is new branch in Latvia that is naturally form from tourism field and progressively adopt world ecotourism tendency. Also in the Web is comprehensive information area for people that would like to know about ecotourism possibilities in the world.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleInternets kā ekotūrisma informācijas nesējs Latvijāen_US
dc.title.alternativeInternet as an ecotourism information carrier in Latviaen_US

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