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dc.contributor.advisorVanags, Ivarsen_US
dc.contributor.authorApare, Ineseen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDiplomdarba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz AS „NORVIK BANKA” kredīta produktu klāsta attīstības izpēti, izvirzīt priekšlikumus tā pilnveidošanai. Pētījuma būtība: AS “NORVIK BANKA” kredītproduktu pētīšana, analizējot to struktūru un sniedzot priekšlikumu kompleksu kredītportfeļa attīstībai nepieciešamajiem uzlabojumiem. Petījuma rezultāti: 1.nodaļā teorētiski izpētīti AS “NORVIK BANKA” struktūra, darbības virzieni un piedāvātais kredītproduktu klāsts; 2.nodaļā raksturota AS “NORVIK BANKA” pozīcija LR banku pakalpojumu tirgū; 3.nodaļā analizēti AS “NORVIK BANKA” piedāvātie kredītprodukti pēc dažādiem aspektiem; 4.nodaļā izpētītas un novērtētas AS “NORVIK BANKA” piedāvāto kredītproduktu attīstības problēmas un izvirzītas to tālākās attīstības perspektīvas. Diplomdarba apjoms ir 48 lapaspuses. Diplomdarbā ir izmantotas 12 tabulas un 7 attēli. Diplomdarba literatūras un avotu saraksts ietver 19 vienības.en_US
dc.description.abstractTHE SUMMARY The Purpose of degree work is to work out offers for further perfection of joint-stock company "NORVIK BANKA" on the basis of the analysis of development of its credit portfolio. An essence of the research: the analysis of structure of joint-stock company "NORVIK BANKA" and bank of offered credit products, and also development of a complex of offers on the further development and improvement of credit products. Results of the research: In the first part the structure of joint-stock company "NORVIK BANKA", directions of its activities and a spectrum offered services is theoretically investigated. In the second part the position of joint-stock company "NORVIK BANKA" on the market of bank services in the Republic of Latvia is characterized; In the third part of the degree work the analysis of offered by joint-stock company "NORVIK BANKA" credit services on different aspects is lead; In the fourth part of the research the estimation of problems of development of offered by joint-stock company "NORVIK BANKA" credit products is given, and also prospects of their further development are developed. Volume of the degree work is 48 pages. In the degree work 12 tables and 7 images are used. The list of the used literature and information sources contains 19 units.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectFinanšu menedžmentsen_US
dc.titleKredīta produktu klāsta attīstība AS "Norvik banka"en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe analysis of development of JSC "Norvik banka" credit portfolioen_US

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