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dc.contributor.advisorSmotrovs, Jurisen_US
dc.contributor.authorJonass, Jevgenijsen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Datorikas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractŠajā darbā aprakstīti divi algoritmi forsētu uzvaru meklēšnai Gomoku un Rendzju spēlēs. Pirmais algoritms meklē forsētu uzvaru ar trijniekiem (angl. Victory by Consecutive Threats, VCT), otrais algoritms meklē uzvaru ar četriniekiem (angl. Victory by Consecutive Fours, VCF). Aprakstīts, kā abi algoritmi var tikt adaptēti gan Gomoku, gan Rendzju spēlei. Algoritmi atbalsta gan ierobežotu Gomoku paveidu (kur 6 un vairāk rindā nav uzvara), gan neierobežotu Gomoku paveidu (kur 6 un vairāk rindā ir uzvara).en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes two algorithms for the search of the forced wins in the Gomoku and Renju games. The first algorithm searches for the Victory by Consecutive Threats (VCT), the second algorithm searches for the Victory by Consecutive Fours (VCF). The paper describes how both algorithms can be adapted for both Gomoku and Renju games. The algorithms support both restricted Gomoku variant (where 6 and more in a row is not a win) and non-restricted Gomoku variant (where 6 and more in a row is a win)en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleForsētu uzvaru meklēšana Gomoku spēlēen_US
dc.title.alternativeForced win search in the Gomoku gameen_US

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