• Effect of Core–Shell Rubber Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Properties of Epoxy and Epoxy-Based CFRP 

      Glaskova-Kuzmina, Tatjana; Stankevics, Leons; Tarasovs, Sergejs; Sevcenko, Jevgenijs; Špaček, Vladimir; Sarakovskis, Anatolijs; Zolotarjovs, Alekejs; Shmits, Krisjanis; Aniskevich, Andrey (MDPI, 2022)
      The aim of the research was to estimate the effect of core–shell rubber (CSR) nanoparticles on the tensile properties, fracture toughness, and glass transition temperature of the epoxy and epoxy-based carbon fiber reinforced ...
    • Flame-Retardant and Tensile Properties of Polyamide 12 Processed by Selective Laser Sintering 

      Glaskova-Kuzmina, Tatjana; Dejus, Didzis; Jātnieks, Jānis; Kruuv, Partel-Peeter; Lancere, Linda; Kobenko, Stepans; Sarakovskis, Anatolijs; Zolotarjovs, Aleksejs (MDPI, 2022)
      Composite materials are becoming widely applied in fire-critical conditions such as, e.g., aviation interior parts. Environmental considerations motivate the use of additive manufacturing due to the decrease of polymer ...