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dc.contributor.advisorOzoliņa, Žanetaen_US
dc.contributor.authorBambals, Rihardsen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMaģistra darbā „Cilvēkdrošības loma Japānā – pirms un pēc 2011.gada marta katastrofām” tiek pētītas objektīvās un subjektīvās cilvēkdrošības izmaiņas Japānā, pasaules trešajā lielākajā ekonomikā, gada laikā pēc 2011.gada marta trīskāršās katastrofas (zemestrīce, cunami un kodolkatastrofa) attiecībā pret iepriekšējiem periodiem. Tāpat tiek pētīts un pārbaudīts, vai un cik lielā mērā valstij, kas oficiāli cilvēkdrošību iekļāvusi savā ārpolitikā un veikusi ieguldījumus tajā vairāku gadu garumā, tas spēj vai nespēj atmaksāties no starptautiskās sabiedrības laikā, kad pati saskaras ar nopietniem izaicinājumiem tās iedzīvotāju drošībai. Maģistra darbā tiek izvirzītas 2 hipotēzes. Pētījuma gaitā tiek secināts, ka tiek secināts, ka pirmā izvirzītā hipotēze - Japānas iedzīvotāju drošumspējas un cilvēkdrošība nemazinās pēc 2011.gada marta katastrofām – tiek apgāzta. Savukārt otrā hipotēze - Japānas ieguldījumi cilvēkdrošībā un citu valstu drošumspēju stiprināšanā atmaksājas gada laikā pēc 2011.gada marta katastrofām - tiek pierādīta.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe theme of master thesis is „Role of human security in Japan – before and after catastrophies of March, 2011”. “Human security” is a security concept in international relations that was created by United Nations in mid-90’s in order to create an ultimate tool for dealing with new challenges after the end of Cold War. It is human-centred and its main objectives are to create all necessary conditions for human “free of fear” and “free of want”. Since late-90’s Japan has played a leading role on global stage by promoting and defending the human security concept and by investing in development assistance projects around the globe in order to fortify the securitability of other nations. Objective and subjective human security indicators are analysed in order to verify changes in Japan’s own human security after it was hit by a “triple catastrophe” (major earthquake, devastating tsunami and nuclear contamination) on March, 2011. Objective human security is analysed in 7 dimensions (political, economic, societal, food, health, environmental and personal security) by using 23 indicators and the overall level of human security has lowered by around 1/3 of maximum possible aggravation. Insecurity has increased especially in environmental, economic, food and political dimensions. Subjective human security is researched by using an online survey and its collected data from inhabitants of Japan. Results showed that Japanese people feel themselves less secure than before in 3 human security dimensions – environmental, economic and political. High intensity of threat perception was observed in several dimensions, especially in those mentioned above. As a fact, by comparing both objective and subjective human security results, it can be concluded that the level of human security in Japan has decreased one year after catastrophies of March, 2011. Furthermore, Japanese investments, inputs in human security before the disaster are compared with outputs and possible gains or losses in foreign policy during a period of one year after catastrophies. It can be concluded that, not only Japan has made major investments in human security by making generous financial contributions to United Nations Human Security Fund, but also it has helped to make Human Security Commission and has tailored its Official Development Assistance policy so that it can help to build securitability of many nations around the globe with its diverse projects. International community shows its gratitude for Japan’s leading role in human security promotion and it pays back to Japan when it faces one of the greatest challenges in its history.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectPolitikas zinātne (politoloģija)en_US
dc.titleCilvēkdrošības loma Japānā - pirms un pēc 2011.gada marta katastrofāmen_US
dc.title.alternativeRole of human security in Japan - before and after catastrophies of March, 2011en_US

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