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dc.contributor.advisorKalnbērziņa, Vitaen_US
dc.contributor.authorFirsova, Ņinaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Moderno valodu fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDiplomdarbs ir izstradats attiecigi ta tematam: Valodas testu izveide un novertešana. Diplomdarbs sastav no divam dalam – teoretiska un praktiska dala. Teoretiska dala savukart sastav no piecam nodalam, kuras autore atspogulo valodu testu izveides un iegutu rezultatu novertešanas aspektus. Pirma nodala parada valodas testu, kas ir viena anglu valodas apmacibas sastavdalam, izmantošanas ideju. Otra nodala koncentrejas uz valodas zinašanas un prasmju novertešanas aspektiem. Autore apraksta vertešanas veidus, to priekšrocibas, ka ari trukumus. Trešaja nodala autore pieverš uzmanibu lasišanas prasmei. Ceturta nodala atspogulo galvenas koncepcijas saistitas ar testu izveidošanu. Zinatniska darba autore piemin visus valodas testu izveidošanas pamatposmus un principus. Pedeja nodala ir veidota balstoties uz valodas testu izveidošanas, ko veica pati ši zinatniska darba autore, ka ari, galvenajiem merkiem un testa rezultašu analizes. Diploma darba beigas autore nak pie secinajumiem, ka kvalitativi izstradats tests ir viens no valodas apguves pamatprincipiem, jo tas palidz labot un pilveidot valodas zinašanas un prasmes.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present paper is based on the language test development and evaluation. The paper consists of two parts – theoretical and parctical one. The theoretical part consists of five chapters where the author depicts the aspects of language test development and the evaluation of the results achieved after testing. The first chapter descloses the idea about the testing that is considered as one of the parts of ELT. The second chapter focuses on the aspects of evaluation of language knowledge and skill. The author describes evaluation types, its advantages and disadvantages, etc. In the chapter Nr 3, the author focusses on the reading skills as such. The fourth chapter depicts the main concepts concerning the test developing. The author mentions all the basic stages and principles of language test development. The last chapter is based on the language test developed by the author of the present paper, its main purposes and the analysis of the results received after test trial. At the end of the diploma paper the author comes to the conclusion that a valid language test is one of the most important parts of language learning, as it helps to improve the knowledge and skills of every student.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleValodas testu izveide un novērtēšanaen_US
dc.title.alternativeLanguage Test Development and Evaluationen_US

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