Now showing items 41-60 of 79

    • Comparing various concepts of function prediction. Part 1. 

      Podnieks, Karlis (Latvia State University, 1974)
      Prediction: f(m+1) is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). Program synthesis: a program computing f is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). The hypotheses are required to be correct for all sufficiently large m, or with some ...
    • Comparing various concepts of function prediction. Part 2. 

      Podnieks, Karlis (Latvia State University, 1975)
      Prediction: f(m+1) is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). Program synthesis: a program computing f is guessed from given f(0), ..., f(m). The hypotheses are required to be correct for all sufficiently large m, or with some ...
    • On educational problems of mathematics for the faculty of economics and management 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-17)
      Problems concerning education of mathematics for the students of the Faculty of economics and managements are considered.
    • Motives for reflections Addendum to part one 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-17)
      The article (in three pieces of manuscripts), written in Russian, contains some reflections on graph theory. It may be written in 1973.
    • Daži trīssakarīgi grafi un to saimes bez Hamiltona cikliem 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-17)
      These manuscripts (in Latvian) contain examples of graphs without Hamiltonian cycles. See the flower snark J5 on the page 13. The date here 1.6.78.
    • Some reflections on the education of computer scientists 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-17)
      This article in Latvian contains some reflections on educational problems what concerns computer science.
    • One more geodesic graph 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-17)
      In this note, written in Latvian, a way to build geodesic graphs, graphs with unique shortest path between every two vertices, is considered. Geodesic graphs are trees, odd cycles, and nontrivial example, the graph of ...
    • Geodesic graphs 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-17)
      In the article, written in Russian, geodesic graphs, graphs with unique shortest path between every two vertices, are considered. Geodesic graphs are trees, odd cycles, and nontrivial example, the graph of Petersen. ...
    • Notes in the graph theory. A manuscript (with flower snark J5) 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-13)
      This fragment of manuscripts, written in Latvian, is taken from a hardcover notebook of E.Grinbergs. The date when these notes started 29.7.72 is clearly seen on the first page, on the page 7 the date is 31.8.72, on 10th ...
    • Motives for reflections. Part two 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-13)
      Facsimile of a manuscript from the archive of Emanuels Grinbergs, University of Latvia. The article (in three pieces of manuscripts), written in Russian, contains some reflections on graph theory. It may be written in ...
    • Motives for reflections. Part one 

      Grinbergs, Emanuels (2013-12-12)
      Facsimile of manuscript from the archive of Emanuels Grinbergs, University of Latvia. The article (in three pieces of manuscripts), written in Russian, contains some reflections on graph theory. It may be written in 1973.

      Tenisons, Modris; Zeps, Dainis (QuantumDream, Inc., 2013-09-02)
    • Comparing various types of limiting synthesis and prediction of functions 

      Podnieks, Karlis (Latvia State University, 1974)
    • Inductive inference of recursive functions: complexity bounds 

      Freivalds, Rusins; Barzdins, Janis; Podnieks, Karlis (Springer Verlag, 1991)
      This survey includes principal results on complexity of inductive inference for recursively enumerable classes of total recursive functions. Inductive inference is a process to find an algorithm from sample computations. ...
    • Platonism, intuition and the nature of mathematics 

      Podnieks, Karlis (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1988)
      Platonism is an essential aspect of mathematical method. Mathematicians are learned ability " t o   l i v e " in the "world" of mathematical concepts. Here we have the main source of the creative power of mathematics, and ...
    • Prediction of the next value of a function 

      Podnieks, Karlis (1981)
      The following model of inductive inference is considered. Arbitrary set tau = {tau_1, tau_2, ..., tau_n} of n total functions N->N is fixed. A "black box" outputs the values f(0), f(1), ..., f(m), ... of some function f ...
    • The double-incompleteness theorem 

      Podnieks, Karlis (Stiinca, Kishinev, 1976)
      Let T be a strong enough theory, and M - its metatheory, both are consistent. Then there is a closed arithmetical formula H that is undecidable in T, but one cannot prove in M neither that H is T-unprovable, nor that H is ...
    • The double-incompleteness theorem 

      Podnieks, Karlis (Latvia State University, 1975)
      Let T be a theory, Q - a metatheory of T. Under certain conditions there exist T-undecidable sentences for which this undecidability cannot be proved in Q. For English translation and proof, see K. Podnieks What is ...
    • MDA: correctness of model transformations. Which models are schemas? 

      Podnieks, Karlis (IOS Press, 2005)
      How to determine, is a proposed model transformation correct, or not? In general, the answer may depend on the model semantics. Of course, a model transformation is “correct”, if we can extend it to a “correct” instance ...