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dc.contributor.advisorDupate, Kristīne
dc.contributor.authorCifanska, Poļina
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
dc.description.abstractLīdz ar Latvijas Republikas iestāšanos Eiropas Savienībā ikvienai personai radās plašākas pārvietošanās iespējas starp Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstīm, kas visai paredzami sekmēja arī jauna migrācijas viļņa uzplaukumu. Aktuāls kļuva jautājums ne tikai par Eiropas Savienības dalībvalstu pilsoņu pārvietošanos Eiropas Savienības ietvaros, bet arī par šo personu ģimenes locekļu pārvietošanās un uzturēšanās tiesībām Eiropas Savienībā. Turklāt, radās nepieciešamība noregulēt arī tādus jautājumus, kas saistīti ar trešo valstu pilsoņu un viņu ģimenes locekļu tiesībām brīvi ieceļot un uzturēties Eiropas Savienībā. Daļēji uzskaitītie problēmjautājumi tika atrisināti ar vairāku direktīvu pieņemšanu Eiropas Savienības ietvaros, ko vēlāk dalībvalstis, tai skaitā arī Latvija, transponēja nacionālajā normatīvajā regulējumā. Tomēr virkne jautājumu tā arī palika nenoregulēti.
dc.description.abstractAlong with the accession of the Republic of Latvia to the European Union, every person has been entitled to wider range of rights of movement across the member states of the European Union that, obviously contributed to property of a new wave of migration. The importance has been raised not only concerning the issue of movement of the citizens of the European Union within its border, but also in respect to movement and residence rights of their relatives across the European Union. In addition, there was a necessity to solve the issues regarding nationals of third countries in respect to entering and residence rights of their family members across the European Union. Respective issues were partially solved by adoption of numerous directives within the European Union, that subsequently were transposed under national laws of the member states, including Latvia. However, numerous questions were left unsolved. Along with the accession of the Republic of Latvia to the European Union, every person has been entitled to wider range of rights of movement across the member states of the European Union that, obviously contributed to property of a new wave of migration. The importance has been raised not only concerning the issue of movement of the citizens of the European Union within its border, but also in respect to movement and residence rights of their relatives across the European Union. In addition, there was a necessity to solve the issues regarding nationals of third countries in respect to entering and residence rights of their family members across the European Union. Respective issues were partially solved by adoption of numerous directives within the European Union, that subsequently were transposed under national laws of the member states, including Latvia. However, numerous questions were left unsolved.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectJuridiskā zinātne
dc.subjectģimenes locekļi
dc.subjectbrīvā pārvietošanās
dc.subjectuzturēšanās tiesības
dc.titleLatvijas Republikas pilsoņu, viņu ģimeņu locekļu un Latvijas Republikas nepilsoņu un viņu ģimenes locekļu brīvās pārvietošanās tiesību salīdzinājums
dc.title.alternativeCompreson of free movement rights of citizens of Republic of Latvia and their family members to free movemnet rights of non-citizens of the Republic of Latvia and their family members

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