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dc.contributor.advisorSokolovska, Jeļizaveta
dc.contributor.authorMasloša, Jana
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Medicīnas fakultāte
dc.description.abstractPētijuma mērķis: Identificēt, kādi faktori var ietekmēt uz metformīna intoleranci. Aktualitāte: Katru gadu pieaug pacientu skaits ar 2TCD un daudziem pacientim attistās intolerance no metformīna. Materiāli un metodes: Šis ir prospektīvi pētijums, kurā tika analizēti 384 II tipa cukura diabēta pacientu dati. 340 pacienti lietoja metformīnu, bet 42 nelietoja metforminu. 36 pacientiem, kuri lietoja metforminu bija blakusparādības, šī pacientu grupa bija pētāmā grupa, savukārt 304 pacienti, kuriem nebija blakusparādību no metformina lietošanas, tika iekļauti kontrolgrupā. Kontrolgrupā un pētāmā grupā tika analizēti un salīdzināti dažādi pacientu faktori, lai noteiktu to ietekmi uz blakusparādību rašanos. Rezultāti: Blakusparādību rašanos ietekmē pacienta papildiagnozes, metformīna inhībītori beta adreno-blokatori un sulfonilurīnvielas grupas preparāti.
dc.description.abstractPurpose of the study: to identify factors that may affect metformin intolerance. Topicality: The number of patients with type II diabetes is increasing every year and many patients develop intolerance to metformin. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study and the records of 384 patients were analyzed. 42 of these patients did not use metformin, but 340 patients did use metformin. Patients that did use metformin were divided in to those that had side effects from metformin use, and those that did not had side effects, the study group and the control group respectively. In the study group there were 36 patients, but in the control group 304 patients. The control group and the study group were analysed and compared to determine if there are any patient factors, that contribute to side effect development. Results: Results show that metformin inhibitors are beta-adrenergic blocking agents as well as sulfonylurea group medications and that other diseases that patient have may contribute to side effect development.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subject2 tipa cukura diabēts, Type 2 diabetes
dc.subjectMetformīns, Metformin
dc.subjectintolerance, intolerance
dc.subjectinhibītori, inhibitors
dc.titleMetformīna intolerances patoģenēze
dc.title.alternativePathogenesis of metformin intolerance

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