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dc.contributor.advisorBērziņš, Gaidis
dc.contributor.authorAmantovs, Alvis
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāte
dc.description.abstractBakalaura darba “Valdes locekla atbildiba kapitalsabiedribas saimnieciskas darbibas ietvaros un maksatnespejas procesa” tiek petits kapitalsabiedribu valdes atbildibas instituts, izvertejot to noregulejumu Komerclikuma, Maksatnespejas likuma un citos normativajos aktos. Noluka nodro inat ekonomiskas apgrozibas stabilitati valsti un panakt taisnigu tiesisko attiecibu noregulejumu starp pa iem saimnieciskas darbibas veicejiem (savstarpeji) ka ari to uzraudziba iesaistitajiem - bakalaura darba tiek analizeta prakse pastavo a problematika atbildibas piemero ana, ka ari tiek izvirziti priek likumi tas risina anai.
dc.description.abstractIn the Bachelor thesis “Liability of a member of the Board within the scope of the economic activity and insolvency proceedings of a capital company”, the Institute for the Liability of the Board of Capital Companies is investigated by evaluating their resolution in the Commercial Law, Insolvency Law and other regulatory enactments. In order to ensure the stability of economic circulation in the country and to achieve a fair settlement of the legal relationship between the economic operators themselves (among themselves) and its supervision of those involved – the Bachelor thesis analyses the existing problems in practice of the application of responsibility and puts forward proposals for its solution.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectJuridiskā zinātne
dc.subjectValdes loceklis
dc.subjectKrietns un rūpīgs saimnieks
dc.subjectZaudējumu atlīdzības pienākums
dc.subjectAtbildība par nodokļu parādu
dc.titleValdes locekļa atbildība kapitālsabiedrības saimnieciskās darbības ietvaros un maksātnespējas procesā.
dc.title.alternativeLiability of the member of the Board within the scope of the economic activity and insolvency proceedings of capital company.

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