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dc.contributor.advisorŠavriņa, Baiba
dc.contributor.authorKhayritdinov, Javokhir
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Biznesa, vadības un ekonomikas fakultāte
dc.description.abstractIn today's world, modern technologies are becoming part of day to day life of most people in the world and becoming an effective tool for marketing activities. That is why the digital environment is very important as the number of users is increasing every year. Traditional marketing can also be used in the digital environment, but it has to be adapted to the needs of online consumers. Nowadays, online advertising is considered as one of the keys to the success of a company. Customer's voice has always been one of the most important part of marketing. Thanks to digital technologies customers can get not only information about the product but also to purchase it from the internet. Any potential consumer can request information or just buy the product or service online. The research question of the paper is what is the most influential factor of consumer behavior in the digital marketing environment in Latvia? The goal is to define which factor influences the most online consumer behavior. Hypothesis: Personal factors are the most influential factors of online consumer behavior in Latvia Methodology: To prove the hypothesis has been used Qualitative and Quantitative methods. The qualitative method is based on several interviews with experts and business owners, who were actively using digital marketing. During these interviews were discussed all factors influencing consumer behavior in the digital marketing environment. The quantitative method is based on the data received from the survey made by the author of the bachelor thesis. The survey includes 21 questions and completed by 131 responders in Latvia. The bachelor thesis consists of an introduction part, three chapters with a theoretical part, an analytical part, an empirical part, a conclusion, and recommendations. The first chapter of the thesis is based on the information from different books, scientific articles and electronic resources, which include information about marketing, digital marketing, E-commerce, consumer behavior. The second chapter of the thesis is based on already existing statistical data about demography, the online market size, purchasing power parity, and E-commerce in Latvia. During the statistical data observe there were issues related to privacy policy change or temporary unavailability of the secondary data in websites like Eurostat and Statista. The third chapter of the thesis is based on the data received from the interviews and survey made by the author of the bachelor thesis.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectDigital Marketing
dc.subjectConsumer Behavior
dc.titlePatērētāju uzvedību ietekmējošie faktori Latvijas digitālā mārketinga vidē
dc.title.alternativeFactors influencing consumer behavior in the digital marketing environment of Latvia

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