• Advanced Composites and Applications: Book of abstracts 

      81st international scientific conference of University of Latvia (Institute for Mechanics of Materials University of Latvia, 2023-02-16)
      The section ‘Advanced Composites and Applications’ was organized by the Institute for Mechanics of Materials of the University of Latvia (LU MMI) on 16.02.2023 as a part of the annual 81th scientific conference of the ...
    • Section: Advanced Composites and Applications (15th February, 2022, Riga, Latvia) : Book of Abstracts 

      80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia (Institute for Mechanics of Materials, 2022-02-15)
      The section ‘Advanced Composites and Applications’ was organized by the Institute for Mechanics of Materials of the University of Latvia (LU MMI) on 15.02.2022 as a part of the annual 80th scientific conference of the ...