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dc.contributor.advisorŠteinbuka, Inna
dc.contributor.authorFang, Hui
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Biznesa, vadības un ekonomikas fakultāte
dc.description.abstractChina and Baltic States have developed economic cooperation under the format of “16+1” (later “17+1” when Greece joined in 2019), where both sides have taken more “open” attitudes and policies to establish closer cooperation in trade and investment. This paper is to research the current trends of the economic cooperation between China and the Baltic States as well as the future scenarios thereof combining economic and political analysis. The trade theory proves economic benefits of liberal trade and investment, therefore, the economic cooperation of China and Baltic States provides growth opportunities for both sides. However, Lithuania has withdrawn its membership of this format in 2021, making the other two countries take a cautious approach. The lack of trust between the EU and China is also not favorable for deepening economic cooperation between China and the Baltics. As the current political environment does not encourage the trade and investment between China and Baltic States, so there may be a decreasing trend of mutual trade expected, making the future scenario of the economic cooperation not that optimistic. However, the political risks should not be exaggerated as it is generally possible for China, the EU and Baltic States to find reasonable solutions and mutually beneficial cooperation formats to achieve in the future the common goals of growth and job creation which can be approached through open economic cooperation. Understanding and keeping synergies of the tripartite policies and initiatives among EU, China and Baltic States is always the good way to improve the trust and economic cooperation.
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāte
dc.subjectEconomic cooperation
dc.subjectChina-Baltic States
dc.subjectinternational trade
dc.subjectpolitical environment
dc.titleĶīnas un Baltijas valstu ekonomiskā sadarbība, pašreizējās tendences un nākotnes scenāriji
dc.title.alternativeEconomic Cooperation between China and Baltic States Current Trend and Future Scenarios

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