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dc.contributor.authorZembahs, Frcis (?)
dc.descriptionThe coffin of Jānis Gefkins (1911-1938), a graduate of Riga State Gymnasium No.1, student of classical philology at the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy of the University of Latvia and member of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Lettica. PHOTO 2 - being taken from the chapel to his burial place in Riga Forest Cemetery in May 1938. PHOTO 2 - The Honour Guard of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Lettica mournfully attends the funeral of their deceased member. PHOTO 3 - The honour guard of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Lettica mournfully accompanies its deceased member to his burial place in the Riga Forest Cemetery.en_US
dc.description.abstractRīgas Valsts 1. ģimnāzijas absolventa, LU Filoloģijas un filozofijas fakultātes Filoloģijas nodaļas klasiskās filoloģijas studenta un latviešu studentu korporācijas Fraternitas Lettica biedra Jāņa Gefkina (1911-1938) bēres 1938. gada maijā Rīgas Meža kapos. 1. FOTOGRĀFIJA - Latviešu studentu korporācijas Fraternitas Lettica goda sardze ar sērām ierodās uz sava aizgājušā biedra Jāņa Gefkina bērēm. 2. FOTOGRĀFIJA - zārka izvešana no kapličas uz apbedīšanas vietu Rīgas Meža kapos. 3. FOTOGRĀFIJA - bēru gājiensen_US
dc.description.abstractThe coffin of Jānis Gefkins (1911-1938), a graduate of Riga State Gymnasium No.1, student of classical philology at the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy of the University of Latvia and member of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Lettica. PHOTO 1 - being taken from the chapel to his burial place in Riga Forest Cemetery in May 1938. PHOTO 2 - The Honour Guard of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Lettica mournfully attends the funeral of their deceased member. PHOTO 3 - The honour guard of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Lettica mournfully accompanies its deceased member to his burial place in the Riga Forest Cemetery.
dc.publisherFriča (?) Zembaha Foto un palielinājumu darbnīcaen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Languages and linguistics::Classical philologyen_US
dc.subjectLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectKlasiskā filoloģijaen_US
dc.subjectStudentu akadēmiskās mūža organizācijasen_US
dc.subjectStudentu korporācijasen_US
dc.subjectThe University of Latviaen_US
dc.subjectClassical Philologyen_US
dc.subjectStudent academical lifetime organisationsen_US
dc.subjectStudent fraternitiesen_US
dc.subjectKorporācijas biedrien_US
dc.titleLU Filoloģijas un filozofijas fakultātes klasiskās filoloģijas studenta Jāņa Gefkina (1911-1938) izvadīšana Rīgas Meža kaposen_US

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