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dc.contributor.advisorJelāgins, Jurisen_US
dc.contributor.authorBricis, Jurisen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDiplomdarbâ autors aplûko iekðçjo normatîvo aktu institûtu kâ vienu no iekðçjo normatîvo aktu veidiem Latvijas nacionâlajâ tiesîbu sistçmâ. Autors analizç iekðçjo normatîvo aktu lomu iepretim ârçjiem normatîvajiem aktiem, secinot, ka pirmajiem ir sekundârs rasturs. Tâlâk autors izvçrtç visu seðu iekðçjo normatîvo aktu veidu izdoðanas procesu, konstatçjot piecas ðî procesa stadijas. Divas no tâm ir attiecinâmas uz visiem iekðçjiem normatîvajiem aktiem, bet trijâm ir speciâls raksturs. Leìitîmâ iekðçjo normatîvo aktu izdoðanas procesâ svarîga ir ðo izdoðanas tiesîbu korekta deleìçðana konkrçtajai iestâdei (amatpersonai). Autors izðíir divus deleìçðanas tipus - vispârîgo un speciâlo, uzsverot, ka pçdçjam ir vismaz trîs modifikâcijas. Nobeigumâ autors iesaka izdarît grozîjumus likumâ, nosakot, ka ieteikumu projekts ir saskaòojams tikai ar augstâku iestâdi. Tâpat autors piedâvâ ieviest iekðçjo normatîvo aktu hierarhiju.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn particular diploma work author deals with institute of internal law (regulation) in Latvian national law system as a kind of legislation acts. Author is analising the place internal legal act takes in the scope of all legal acts and decides, that it has a secondary character. Then author considers procedure of promulgation of all six kinds of internal legal acts, working out five phases. Two of them are universal, but three have a specific application. After that author points to a two kinds of delegation for legitimate promulgation of internal acts - general and special, stressing, that the last one have minimaly three modifications. Lastly, author offers to make amendments of law, particulary specifying, that recomendations must be coordinated only with higher authority. Similarly author offers implementing hierarchy of internal legal acts.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleIekšējie normatīvie tiesību aktien_US
dc.title.alternativeInternal laws and legal regulationsen_US

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