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dc.contributor.advisorBroks, Edmundsen_US
dc.contributor.authorAkermane, Zaneen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractŠā darba mērķis bija noteikt vai un cik lielā mērā noteikumi, kas nosaka brīvu preču apriti ir līdzīgi ar noteikumiem, kas nosaka pakalpojumu sniegšanas brīvību Līguma par Eiropas Savienības Darbību izpratnē. Tika noskaidrots vai ir kādi principi, kas kopīgi abām šīm brīvībām. Doktrīnas un Eiropas Savienības Tiesas prakses analīzes rezultātā atklājās, ka šādi principi tik tiešām pastāv: (1)brīvības attiecas tikai uz labumiem, kas var būt par komerciāla darījuma objektu, (2) jebkādi pasākumi, kas padara importētu preču vai pakalpojumu izplatīšanu valstī, kurā tie ievesti, sarežģītāku salīdzinājumā ar precēm un pakalpojumiem, kas nāk no šīs valsts, ir aizliegti, (3) dubultā sloga aizliegums, (4) savstarpējas atzīšanas princips. Tas, ka pastāv šādi kopīgie principi norādā, ka preču plūsmas un pakalpojumu sniegšanas noteikumi tik tiešām ir līdzīgi. Preču plūsmu un pakalpojumu sniegšanas brīvību var ierobežot izmantojot vienus un tos pašus attaisnojumus un piemērojot tos vienā un tādā pašā kārtībā.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper was to establish to what extent are the rules regarding the free movemet of goods and the free movement of services within the meaning of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union similar. Also, whether or not rules regarding the free movement of goods apply in the same way to the free movement of services. And whether or not there is a set of principles which is common to the application to the both sets of these rules. By analizing the legal literarure and case law of the European Court of Justice, it was found that there indeed exists a set of principles which apply to both these freedoms. These are: (1) both freedoms concern objects which can be the subject of a commercial transaction (2) any measure which hinders the selling of a good or a provision of service in a host state more difficult then the sale of a good or provision of a service which originated in that state is a restriction to free movement of goods or freedom to provide services, (3) any kind of double burden imposing measures are prohibited, (4) good which is lawfully produced or service which is lawfully provided in one member state must be recognised in other member states as well. This demonstration of common principles clearly shows that the rules relating to free movement of goods and freedom to provide services are in fact similar. The rules hindering freedom to provide services and free movement of goods are justified on the same grounds and these justifications apply in the same manner.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectJuridiskā zinātneen_US
dc.titleBrīvas preču plūsmas noteikumu attiecināmība uz pakalpojumu sniegšanas brīvībuen_US
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Rules Regarding Free Movement of Goods to Free Movement of Services.en_US

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