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dc.contributor.advisorKrastiņš, Uldisen_US
dc.contributor.authorKatelo, Ilvaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Juridiskā fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMaģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt un noteikt huligānisma kā atsevišķa noziedzīga nodarījuma sastāvu, kvalifikācijas pazīmes, kā arī huligānisma kvalifikācijas problemātiku. Maģistra darba pētāmais objekts ir huligāniskās darbības un to pareiza kvalifikācija. Savukārt izpētes priekšmets ir spēkā esošās likuma normas, kas nosaka atbildību par huligānismu. Izstrādājot šo maģistra darbu, tiks pētīti normatīvie akti, kā arī citi avoti.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe theme of the present Master’s paper is „The Problem of hooliganism qualification”. The aim of the present Master’s paper was to investigate and to specify hooliganism, as a separate crime, its importance and application to juridical regulations. The Master’s Paper consists of 4 chapters, with subchapters, a conclusion, an annotation, bibliography and appendices. The author examines such concepts as hooliganism, including administratively punishable and penal, as well as questions concerning understanding hooliganism qualification. Qualification problems are considered in a separate chapter. When writing the Master’s Paper the author got to know the practice of Daugavpils court, where she considered criminal cases and crimes which, were qualified according to various parts of the article 231 of the Criminal Law. In the research of the present Master’s paper works by several authors were used, who examined the problems of qualifying hooliganism. At the Conclusion general conclusions and findings are provided, which were summarized during the elaboration of the present Master’s paper.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectJuridiskā zinātneen_US
dc.titleHuligānisma kvalifikācijas problēmasen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Problem of hooliganism qualificationen_US

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