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dc.contributor.advisorGavriļina, Margaritaen_US
dc.contributor.authorCaunīte, Gitaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDiplomdarba tema- Stilistisko prasmju pilnveidošanas iespejas latviešu valodas apguve mazakumtautibu skolas 10. klase. Diplomdarba autore- Gita Caunite Diplomdarba vaditaja- Dr. paed. prof. Margarita Gavrilina Darbu veido- saturs, ievads, 3 dalas, nobeigums, literaturas (izmantots 49 avoti latviešu, krievu un anglu valoda), anotacija latviešu un anglu valoda, 4 pielikumi. Diplomdarba ir 59 lappuses. Diplomdarba merkis- atrast iespejas pilnveidot mazakumtautibu skolenu stilistiskas prasmes. Diplomdarba merkis- izanalizet 10. klases mazakumtautibu skolenu stilistiskas prasmes pilnveidošanas iespejas, izmantojot merktiecigi izveletas macibu metodes un panemienus. Pamatojoties uz darba merki, tika izvirziti sekojoši uzdevumi: 1) izpetit temai atbilstošu pedagogisko, psihologisko, didaktisko literaturu; 2) analizet skolenu priekšstatu par valodas stilu, funkcionalajiem stiliem; 3) izmantojot teoretiskajos petijumos ieguto pieredzi, izveleties un apkopot uzdevumus, kura merkis ir stilistisko prasmju pilnveidošana; 4) aprobet uzdevumus prakse, konstatet skolenu sasniegumus, veikt secinajumus skolenu stilistiskajas prasmes. Rezultata merka sasniegšanai izstradatas 5 macibu stundas un 2 macibu fragments, kas aprobetas pedagogiskaja prakse. Darba pedeja nodala atspogulots macibu stundu parbaudes process, veikta ta analize un aprakstiti rezultati.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe theme- The possibilities of the Development of Stylistic Skills in the Acquisition of the Latvian language in Minority Schools. The author of the research work is Gita Caunite The leader of the research work is Dr. paed. prof. Margarita Gavrilina The work consists of the contents, the introduction, three parts, the conclusion, the literature and the supplements The research work cosists of 59 pages. The aim of the research work is to find skills to improve the possibilities of the Development of Stylistic The tasks of the research work: to research pedagogical, psychological and didactic literature; to analyse conception of language style and functional styles; using experience, to choose and to summarize tasks, what aim is The possibilities of the Development of Stylistic Skills to approbate the tasks in practise to perform the conclusions in stylictic skills In the researcg work are approbating 5 intructional lessons and two fragments of the lessons. In the last part of the research work is showed instructional lessons proces of probative, the analyse and the results.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleStilistisko prasmju pilnveidošanas iespējas latviešu valodas apguvē mazākumtautību skolas 10.klasē.en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe possibilities of the Development of Stylistic Skills in the Acquisition of the Latvian language in Minority Schools.en_US

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