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dc.contributor.advisorKaļķis, Valdisen_US
dc.contributor.authorMozumača, Ievaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Ķīmijas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractDarba aizsardzîbas sistçmas organizçðana un veselîbas veicinâðanas pasâkumi skolâs. Maìistra darbs, 82 lappuses, 13 attçli, 38 tabulas, 4 formulas, 42 literatûras avoti, 12 pielikumi. Latvieðu valodâ. Darba aizsardzîbas sistçmas organizçðanas un veselîbas veicinâðanas pasâkumu skolâs aktualitâti nosaka skolotâju darba aizvien pieaugoðâ intensitâte, kas prasa maksimâlu uzmanîbu un koncentrçðanos, darba samçroðanu atbilstoði skolotâju fiziskajâm un garîgajâm spçjâm, psiho sociâlo un organizatorisko jautâjumu risinâðanu darba kolektîvos, kâ arî skolçnu vajadzîbâm nepietiekami pielâgota skolas vide, nepilnîbas mâcîbu procesâ, nepietiekama sadarbîba starp vecâkiem un skolu, nepietiekama vecâku lîdzdalîba bçrnu mâcîbu un audzinâðanas procesâ.en_US
dc.description.abstractOrganisation of Labour Safety System and Health Promotion Activities at Schools. Master's thesis, 83 pages, 13 figures, 38 tables, 4 formulas 42 literature references, 12 appendices. In Latvian. The topicality of organisation of labour safety system and health promotion activities in schools is determined by the increasing intensity of teachers’work, which demands maximum attention and concentration, aligning the work corresponding to the teacher’s physical and mental abilities, solution of psychosocial and organisational topics in working collectives, as well as by the school environment inappropriate to the pupils’needs, imperfections in the study process, insufficient cooperation between the parents and the school, insufficient participation of parents in the process of education and upbringing. The aim of the Master’s Paper is to do a research on the system of labour safety and helth promotion activities and ways of improving them, working out a plan of preventive activities.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.subjectDarba vides aizsardzība un ekspertīzeen_US
dc.titleDarba aizsardzības sistēmas organizēšana un veselības veicināšanas pasākumi skolāsen_US
dc.title.alternativeOrganisation of labour safety system and health promotion activities at schoolsen_US

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