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dc.contributor.advisorGeikina, Laimaen_US
dc.contributor.authorŠneiders, Aldisen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractEiropa un Latvija verojama baznicas loceklu skaita samazinašanas un novecošanas. Ari Auces novada Bene ar vairak ka 2000 iedzivotajiem nenotiek regularas skolenu un jauniešu kristigas aktivitates. Petot postmodernas sabiedribas religiskos priekšstatus literatura, periodika un interneta vide, atklajas, ka lidzas pastav loti daudz dažadu priekšstatu par religiju. Petijuma merkis bija noskaidrot Benes 7.- 12. klašu skolenu attieksmi pret religiju un kristietibu. Iegutie rezultati paradija, ka atbildot uz 31 apgalvojumu, 43,7 % skolnieku nebija religisko zinašanu vai pieredzes, lai izteiktu savu attieksmi. Vairak ka 1/3 skolnieku bija pozitiva attieksme pret kristietibu. Atklajas ari nozimigakie iebildumi pret to. Tika secinats, ka Bene ir piemerota jaunam religiskam aktivitatem. Atslegvardi: skoleni, religija, kristietiba, priekšstati.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe members of the churches in Europe and Latvia are decreasing in number and becoming proporcionally older. There aren`t any regular Christian activities of the pupils and young people also in Bene (Auce`s region), with it`s more than 2000 inhabitants. It was discovered, while researching the postmodern society’s notinos about the religion, that there are coexisting very many different notinos about the religion. The aim of the research was to get to know Bene`s pupils of the 7th to 12th forms attitude towards religion. Answers to 31 statement showed, that 43,7% of the pupils hadn`t enough knowledge about religion or they hadn`t sufficient expierence with it to show their attitude towards religion. The most important objections appeared as well. It was concludes, that Bene is suitable for new religious activities. Key words: pupils, religion, Christianity, notions.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleSkolēnu reliģiskie priekšstati Bēnes vidusskolas 7. - 12. klasēen_US
dc.title.alternativeReligious concepts of the Bene's Secondary school students, grade 7. - 12.en_US

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