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dc.contributor.advisorMencis, Jānisen_US
dc.contributor.authorMeļķe, Ineseen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Fizikas un matemātikas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMaģistra darbā tika pētīta kļūdainu pamatprasmju veidošanās pamatskolas matemātikas kursā. Kļūdainu pamatprasmju apzināšana ir nozīmīga, lai novērstu nepareizu uzdevumu risināšanas algoritmu iestrādāšanos. Lai veiktu kļūdu analīzi, sākotnēji tika atlasītas pamatprasmes, kuras jāapgūst, lai uz to bāzes varētu veidot tālākās nepieciešamās zināšanas un prasmes. No atlasītajām pamatprasmēm tika izveidoti 3 pamatprasmju pārbaudes darbi, kurus pildīja galvaspilsētas skolas, pilsētu skolu un lauku skolu skolēni no dažādām klasēm. Izlabojot darbus tika apkopoti rezultāti, pēc kuriem tika noteikts, uzdevumu apguves koeficients. Pēc iepriekšminētajiem rādītājiem tika noteikti uzdevumi, kuru atrisināšana skolēniem sagādāja vislielākās grūtības, šiem uzdevumiem arī tika veikta kļūdu analīze. Analizējot piemērus, kuros tika pieļautas visvairāk kļūdas tiek secināts, ka ir kļūdas kurām ir tendence saglabāties visās klašu grupās un ir arī katrai klašu grupai raksturīgās kļūdas, kuras citās klasēs izdodas sastapt visai reti.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe incorrect basic skills formation in the elementary school mathematics course was explored in the Master work. The incorrect basic skills’ identification is important to avoid false task scrolling algorithm enrollment. To perform the error analysis of core tasks, originally the basic skills were selected, which have to be acquired in order to be able to build the base for further necessary expertise. From the selected basic skills, 3 basic skill’s tests were set up, which were fullfilled by pupils from different classes of capital city school, town schools and rural area schools. When repairing the works, the results were summarized after what the tasks coefficient was defined. After the above mentioned indicator was gained, the tasks were defined which resolution obtained the most difficulties for the pupils. The error analysis was made for these tasks. By analysing the examples in which the most of mistakes were made, it was educed that there are mistakes that tend to remain in all class groups and there are also a mistakes that are inherent to each class group which can be encoutered in other class groups quite reraly.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleKļūdainu pamatprasmju veidošanās pamatskolas matemātikas kursāen_US
dc.title.alternativeIncorrect basic skills formation in elementary school mathematicsen_US

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