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dc.contributor.advisorNiedrīte, Lailaen_US
dc.contributor.authorKravčenko, Karīnaen_US
dc.contributor.otherLatvijas Universitāte. Fizikas un matemātikas fakultāteen_US
dc.description.abstractMagistra darba „Datu noliktavas macibu priekšmets – praktika skatijums” galvenais uzsvars ir darba autora, ka praktika, skatijums uz datu noliktavas kursu ka macibu priekšmetu. Magistra darba autora specializacija ir datu noliktavu izstradašana un ar to saistitie procesi. Ta rezultata radas interese uzzinat un izanalizet, ko maca Latvijas un arzemju universitates, kadi specialisti ir pieejami un nepieciešami Latvijas tirgu - it ipaši datu noliktavu projektos. Šim merkim tika apskatiti piedavatie datu noliktavas macibu priekšmeti, organizeta Latvijas darba deveju informacijas tehnologijas sfera, universitašu pasniedzeju un studentu aptauja, ka ari izskatiti šaja sfera stradajošo arzemju specialistu petnieciskie darbi, statistiskas atskaites, raksti un literatura. Magistra darba svarigakais sasniegums ir pilnveidots un papildinats ‘Datu noliktavas’ kurss, balstoties uz petijumu un autora praksi. Kurss ir atbilstošs SCORM modelim, kas ir sastavdala no e-studiju kursu un talmacibas standarta. Darba tiek prezenteti starp darba devejiem un studentiem veikto aptauju rezultati, kuri ataino pašreizejo situaciju darba tirgu.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of „Data Warehouse Course – Practitioner's Viewpoint” master’s degree work is author’s practical point of view on the course of Data Warehouse as a subject of studies. The specialty of author is Data Warehouse development and related processes. Because of this an additional interest in technology was the main driver to acknowledge and analyze what has been taught on the subject in Latvian universities and abroad, what kind of experts are available and demanded especially in data warehouse area in Latvian labor market. To achieve this, available data warehouse study subjects were analyzed, a survey was organized for IT related employers, students and university lecturers as well as researches by specialists working in the respective area abroad were reviewed including statistical data, articles and available literature. The main achievement of the master’s degree work is improved course of data warehouse base on research and author’s practice. Course fully complies with SCORM model which is a part of e-study course and the standard of distant education. Processed survey results gathered from students and employers and reflecting true situation in Latvian labor market are presented within this work.en_US
dc.publisherLatvijas Universitāteen_US
dc.titleDatu noliktavu mācību priekšmets – praktiķa skatījumsen_US
dc.title.alternativeData Warehouse Course - Practitioner's Viewpointen_US

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